The Asian Age

Not interested in Cong’s chief job, says Amarinder


Chandigarh, March 19: Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh on Thursday made it clear that he was not interested in leaving Punjab for national politics and batted for Rahul Gandhi to lead the Congress party and revive its glory.

Speaking at a conclave to mark the third anniversar­y of his government, the chief minister said the choice of the next leadership rested with the Congress Working Committee and everyone wanted the 130year-old party to revive and regain its lost glory and ground.

“Rahul Gandhi definitely has it in him to steer the party as its leader, though at the moment he seems to be insistent about not taking over the party reins,” said Amarinder.

Underscori­ng the need

Amarinder Singh for a new leadership to emerge, Capt Singh said

it was not fair to further push Sonia Gandhi, who had been keeping unwell.

“Having worked closely with Sonia for several years, I found her to be a good leader who believes in the modern concept of management and giving a person a job and backing him/her to the hilt, and continue the backing if the job is well done or else push him/her out,” said the chief minister.

With 70 per cent of India’s population comprising the youth, the need for younger leadership could not be ignored and Rahul was equipped to take up the role, he said. “The victory and defeat was part of politics and Rahul should not allow one defeat (2019 LS polls) to hold him back,” he said

“I lost my first two elections, but if I had gone and sat at home I would not be where I am today,” he said.

Even as he described Priyanka Gandhi as a “perceptive and determined young lady, with the qualities of both her mother and grandmothe­r”, Capt. Singh said both Rahul and Priyanka were tough but always very polite. On the possibilit­y of him being asked to take over as the new Congress president, Amarinder said he did not want to leave Punjab.

 ?? — PTI ?? Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal and SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal carry the mortal remains of the former’s mother Harminder Kaur for cremation in Bathinda on Thursday.
— PTI Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal and SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal carry the mortal remains of the former’s mother Harminder Kaur for cremation in Bathinda on Thursday.
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