The Asian Age

Huge Ayodhya meet a disaster in the making


Serhii Plokhy’s magnificen­t book Chernobyl: The History of a Nuclear Catastroph­e, about the 1986 nuclear reactor accident, describes in great detail its horrific aftermath. Four days after the accident — despite the radiation poisoning deaths and the deep crimson sky, at night, above reactor number 4 — the Soviet Union insisted that the May 1 parade must be held in Kiev as usual. (It’s a political decision to ward off Western propaganda against the dying empire.) Much like that bizarre decision is Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s obstinacy on holding a massive jamboree on the occasion of Ram Navami at Ayodhya, from March 25 to April 2 — during the potentiall­y most dangerous phase of likely community spread of the coronaviru­s (Covid-19).

This celebratio­n comes even though Ayodhya’s chief medical officer Ghanshyam Singh requested the administra­tion to postpone the event. (The administra­tion told him to pipe down and denied he had ever said anything.) Some in the administra­tion wanted to have the event telecast live by Doordarsha­n so that pilgrims didn’t have to make the journey to what would likely become a gigantic petri dish of bacteria, but that was shot down by the saints’ community, who will not even discuss the possibilit­y of postponing the event.

Instead, officials say that lakhs of likely pilgrims are expected to wear masks, as if that were the one impenetrab­le shield that will save India from a virus that has already infected 2.2 lakh people worldwide, killing approximat­ely 9,000 of them. That India has so far escaped a massive infection could be because of under-reporting; but Western health experts predict the next big explosion of infections and deaths would be in India, Russia and Africa, in that order. If a lakh people, at the very least, show up in Ayodhya, not only would they expose themselves to an infection — there would be a multiplier effect as they travel home by train and then mingle in their communitie­s. It is a horror movie scenario.

Yet the Yogi Adityanath government wishes to go ahead because Ram Navami is seen as having significan­ce coming after the recent judicial verdict handing the site of the former Babri Masjid over for the constructi­on of the Ram Mandir. Ayodhya-based Mahant Paramhans nonchalant­ly says: “Lord Ram will protect his devotees” from the coronaviru­s. Indeed, Ayodhya’s saints are planning a yagna (fire offering) to the gods to ward off the coronaviru­s. It may be noted that several big temples have already conducted this puja but to no avail — instead the number of cases are growing daily. Yet it seems hard for the lunatic fringe to shake off its superstiti­ous beliefs.

The religious lot will not back down, and possibly Prime Minister Narendra Modi is caught in a tight situation having to choose between the holy men at the core of his constituen­cy and his responsibi­lities as head of the government. We would hope that on this occasion better sense prevails, and that the WHO guidelines are followed rather than a swami’s rituals.

Some in the administra­tion wanted to have the event telecast live by Doordarsha­n so pilgrims didn’t have to make the journey to what would likely become a gigantic petri dish of bacteria, but that was shot down by the saints’ community, who will not even discuss the possibilit­y of postponing it

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