The Asian Age

8 confirmed corona cases in Ladakh


New Delhi, March 19: There were eight confirmed coronaviru­s cases in Ladakh and COVID-19 had reached the Union Territory through the pilgrims who returned from Iran, the home ministry said on Thursday.

A total of 58 people were quarantine­d in various hospitals of Ladakh and 18 people, including positive cases, were kept in isolation in the hospitals, it added.

“Presently there are eight confirmed cases, which include an Army jawan, in Ladakh. COVID19 has reached Ladakh through the pilgrims who returned from Iran,” a statement issued by the home ministry said.

The administra­tion had taken several steps, it added. The number of suspected cases in the Union Territory, including those who returned from Iran, their relatives and contacts, was 284, it said.

Of them, 208 people were in home quarantine and being monitored on a daily basis by health workers, the ministry said, adding that 150 of them had completed the mandatory 14 days.

“No other person with COVID-19 symptoms has reported to the hospitals or been found on random verificati­ons in the identified sensitive areas. These checks shall continue,” the statement said.

A number of precaution­ary steps were taken for preventing the transmissi­on of coronaviru­s in Ladakh, which will come into effect immediatel­y and remain in force till April 15, it added.

Advisories have been issued to the public, asking them to stay at home and restrict movement.

Police checkposts have been establishe­d all over Ladakh to prevent any avoidable movement of people.

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