The Asian Age

C’garh reports 1st coronaviru­s case

Posh area in Raipur is sealed


A 24-year-old woman in Raipur in Chhattisga­rh has tested positive for Coronaviru­s, making her the first confirmed Covid 19 case in the state.

The woman arrived in Raipur from London via Mumbai on March 15.

She complained of cold and cough and was admitted in the Raipur branch of All Indian Institute of Medical Science two days later, authoritie­s of AIIMS, Raipur said on Thursday.

“The woman who studies in London landed in Raipur via Mumbai on March 15. She was admitted in AIIMS in Raipur when she complained of cold and cough. Her samples tested positive for infection on Wednesday evening”, AIIMS, Raipur, superinten­dent Karan Peepre said.

The woman along with her parents has been admitted in an isolation ward of the AIIMS hospital in Raipur, he added.

The samples of her parents were sent for testing and the reports were awaited, he added.

The developmen­t has led the Chhattisga­rh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel

● to call an emergency meeting in the afternoon to review preparatio­ns by the state government to deal with the Coronaviru­s menace.

The Raipur district administra­tion meanwhile has sealed a stretch of the city where the woman was staying to undertake sanitizati­on of the area.

The district administra­tion also ordered closure of all the malls, spas, and department­al stores, besides imposing prohibitor­y orders under 144 to deny gathering of more than five people at one place. Of the 47 suspected Coronaviru­s case reported in Chhattisga­rh last week, 44 have been tested negative, while reports of the rest three are awaited.

 ?? — PTI ?? Health department employees spray disinfecta­nts to mitigate the coronaviru­s pandemic at St.Thomas Mount National Shrine in Chennai on Thursday.
— PTI Health department employees spray disinfecta­nts to mitigate the coronaviru­s pandemic at St.Thomas Mount National Shrine in Chennai on Thursday.

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