The Asian Age

Weinstein sent to maximum-security prison in New York


New York: Harvey Weinstein was transferre­d to a state prison in New York on Wednesday as he begins to serve a 23year sentence for rape and sexual assault in his landmark #MeToo case.

The disgraced film mogul, who will turn 68 on Thursday, is locked up at the maximum security Wende Correction­al Facility near Buffalo, according to state prison officials. He is known behind bars as inmate No. 20B0584.

The prison, six hours by car from Manhattan, is likely just a temporary stop for Weinstein. While he’s there, he’ll be evaluated to determine which state prison facility meets his security, medical, mental health and other needs.

Weinstein’s spokesman called the move “harsh.” Weinstein, convicted Feb. 24 and sentenced last week, had been splitting time between New York City’s notorious Rikers Island jail complex and a Manhattan hospital.

Weinstein left court in an ambulance after the guilty verdict and detoured to Bellevue Hospital, complainin­g of chest pains and high blood pressure. He later had a stent inserted to unblock an artery. After his sentencing, he returned with more chest pains.

Weinstein, the


producer of Shakespear­e in Love, was convicted of raping an aspiring actress in 2013 and forcibly performing oral sex on a TV and film production assistant in 2006.

His lawyers they’ll appeal.

Within hours of Weinstein’s sentencing, prosecutor­s in Los Angeles announced they were beginning the extraditio­n process to send him there for an arraignmen­t on charges he raped a woman and sexually assaulted another in 2013. That’s now on hold because of the coronaviru­s crisis that has shuttered courthouse­s and limited travel.

For Weinstein, being sent to the Buffalo-area prison is an inauspicio­us homecoming. He attended college nearby and got his start in the entertainm­ent business in the area as a concert promoter bringing the likes of Frank Sinatra and the Rolling Stones to town. have said

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