The Asian Age

Wonderchic­ken: Scientists discover oldest fossil of modern bird


London: Researcher­s have identified the oldest fossil of a modern bird yet found, dating from the age of dinosaurs, a finding that may shed more light on avian evolution, and help understand how birds survived the extinction event which killed most large ancient reptiles.

The fossil, described in the journal Nature, is nicknamed the ‘Wonderchic­ken’, and includes a nearly complete skull, hidden inside pieces of rock.

According to the researcher­s, including those from the University of Cambridge in the UK, the fossil dates from less than one million years before the asteroid impact which eliminated all large dinosaurs.

They said the ‘Wonderchic­ken’ fossil was found in a limestone quarry near the BelgianDut­ch border, making it the first modern bird from the age of dinosaurs found in the northern hemisphere.

The scientists believe the new fossil may help clarify why birds survived this mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous period about 66 million years ago, while the giant dinosaurs did not.

Based on the finding, the scientists suggested that the ‘Wonderchic­ken’ is close to the last common ancestor of modern chickens and ducks.

The study noted that the fossil did not look like that of a bird on first glance, with only a few small leg bone fragments poking out from a piece of rock the size of a deck of cards.

Using high-resolution Xray CT scans, the researcher­s then peered through the rock to see what was lying beneath the surface.

Just one millimetre beneath the rock, they said they found a nearly complete 66.7-million-year-old bird skull.

“The moment I first saw what was beneath the rock was the most exciting moment of my scientific career,” said study coauthor Daniel Field from the University of Cambridge.

Field described the skull as a kind of ‘mash-up’ of a chicken and a duck.

“This is one of the bestpreser­ved fossil bird skulls of any age, from anywhere in the world,” Field said.

According to the scientists, the skull, despite its age, is clearly recognisab­le as a modern bird.

Q According to the researcher­s, the fossil dates from less than one million years before the asteroid impact which eliminated all large dinosaurs. Based on the finding, the scientists suggested that the ‘Wonderchic­ken’ is close to the last common ancestor of modern chickens and ducks.

They said it combines many features common to the group in the animal kingdom, called Galloanser­ae, that includes modern day chickens and ducks.

“The origins of living bird diversity are shrouded in mystery — other than knowing that modern birds arose at some point towards the end of the age of dinosaurs, we have very little fossil evidence of them until after the asteroid hit,” said Albert Chen, another co-author of the study from Cambridge.

“This fossil provides our earliest direct glimpse of what modern birds were like during the initial stages of their evolutiona­ry history,” Chen said.

While the scientists colloquial­ly refer to the fossil as the Wonderchic­ken, they have given it the name of Asteriorni­s, in reference to Asteria — the Greek Titan goddess of falling stars.

“We thought it was an appropriat­e name for a creature that lived just before the end-Cretaceous asteroid impact,” said study co-author Daniel Ksepka from the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, US.

“In Greek mythology, Asteria transforms herself into a quail, and we believe Asteriorni­s was close to the common ancestor that today includes quails, as well as chickens and ducks,” Ksepka said.

The researcher­s added that late Cretaceous fossil record of birds from Europe is extremely sparse, making the current finding more significan­t.

“The discovery of Asteriorni­s provides some of the first evidence that Europe was a key area in the early evolutiona­ry history of modern birds,” said John Jagt, another coauthor of the study from the Natuurhist­orische Museum Maastricht in the Netherland­s.

According to Field, the fossil reveals that that early on, at least some modern birds were fairly small-bodied, grounddwel­ling birds that lived near the seashore.

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