The Asian Age

‘Strict action on those trying to change JNU’s character’


Rejecting suggestion­s and apprehensi­ons that the “character” of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) could be changed or attempts are being made to change its “character,” human resource developmen­t minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on Thursday asserted that “stringent action” will be taken against those trying to change the “character” of the university.

The minister also outrightly rejected allegation­s by a Congress MP that attempts are being made to “infiltrate” nonacademi­c members of “an organizati­on” in the academic council and the executive committee of the university as the opposition party member sought to know why deprivatio­n points were removed from the admission policy.

The minister, while replying to supplement­aries in the Rajya Sabha during Question Hour, said that the university has informed that the benefits of deprivatio­n points in all other courses, except a few, have been provided and it was done following UGC regulation after Delhi high court’s directions.

The minister informed that the number of students from rural areas and underprivi­leged sections in research degrees has significan­tly increased after the UGC’s regulation were implemente­d in the university.

“I am surprised what is

the character of JNU, which is being talked about. The character of

the university, which was there during its inception, still exists and will remain the same. Students from rural areas and underprivi­leged section in JNU will continue to do so.

Those who try to do so stall the aspiration­s and expectatio­ns of JNU, stringent action will be taken against them and neither the government or the university administra­tion will think twice on it,” said the HRD minister.

On queries regarding action against the Delhi police over its action on the university students and the damage to the university during the recent protests, the minister said the matter is sub-judice and the university will decide whether it wants more funds for the damage, as it is an autonomous body.

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