The Asian Age

Actress plays a pivotal role in



Actress Pooja Ramachandr­an looks more radiant than ever before, if her vacation photos on her Insta handle are anything to go by. Ever since she married actor John Kokken last year, (April 2019), the actress can’t stop raving about the kind of space she has been in.

“After I got married, I started looking at life from a better perspectiv­e. The best part of John was that through him I was able to discover the joy of “togetherne­ss,” something which I couldn’t find in my earlier relationsh­ip,” says Pooja.

As someone who had a very bad relationsh­ip and separated from her earlier partner, wasn’t she apprehensi­ve about falling in love again?

“I was indeed apprehensi­ve and even thought about it for a while. I didn’t want to repeat my past mistakes,” she confesses. “John and I used to work out in the same gym, so that’s how I met him. Slowly, we introduced ourselves and started going out together, and eventually, love blossomed,” she says, adding that she knows exactly the kind of person John is.

“Since we are both actors, what I used to do alone, we started doing together. We have similar interests — we are fitness freaks, early morning persons, stay on the positive side of things, etc.,” she explains.

After Pooja ended her earlier relationsh­ip a few years ago, she went into a shell. The actress was under so much stress that she stopped talking to her friends and was almost isolated. “I did not even sign films, and was wondering how I would go forward. It was a tough phase in my life, but somewhere deep within I knew I could fight it and come out of it,” she says, adding that her family and close friends were her support system. After overcoming a bad relationsh­ip did Pooja still believe in the concept of love and marriage? “I know how difficult things were for me after a bad relationsh­ip, but everyone has to move on in life. In that context, getting someone like John in my life was fantastic. I was able find my mojo, rediscover myself and start looking on the positive aspects of life,” she says.

Pooja Ramachandr­an with her husband John Kokken

Elaboratin­g, she says, “When John first proposed to me, I know it was coming. I wasn’t keen to get married. But he insisted and was confident that everything about post marital life would be good.” Now, Pooja feels ‘blessed’ to have found John.

The Swamy Ra Ra actress will next be seen in a pivotal role in 22, directed by debutant B. Shiva. She states that her role in the Rupesh Kumar Choudhary-starrer is packed with emotion. “It’s a murder mystery, and my role will form a crucial part of the narrative,” she reveals.

‘After I got married, I started looking at life from a better perspectiv­e. The best part of John was that through him I was able to discover the joy of “togetherne­ss”, something which I couldn’t find in my earlier relationsh­ip’

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