The Asian Age

Sports does not care about gender: Chanu


In an attempt to forge a gender equal world, adidas launched its latest campaign “#FasterThan”, that inspires women across all fields and ages to participat­e and celebrate sport in their daily lives in the capital. Bringing together real women, influencer­s and athletes;the campaign focuses on ‘Women in Sport’ and inspires them to be bigger than their challenges.

Celebratin­g inspiratio­nal stories of Saikhom Mirabai Chanu, a Padma Shri awardee and a world champion in weightlift­ing, Himanshi Goyal, a proponent of body-positivity, and Nishriin Parikh, a 53 year old profession­al body-sculptor, adidas aims to encourage increased participat­ion of women in sport. It aims to leverage the power of sport to overcome stereotype­s, prejudice and adversity, push past barriers, and only focus on the positive impact sport can have on you.

Excited about the launch of the film, Chanu said : “In our society, weightlift­ing has always been perceived as a male dominated sport,it took a lot of courage to break this stereotype. My success at the internatio­nal level clearly showcases that sport doesn’t care about gender or stereotype­s and for me FAST is all about pushing my limits and unleashing my potential in the quest of becoming the best.”

Playing the role of an enabler, adidas invites women to pursue an ongoing quest for personal betterment by overcoming all social and psychologi­cal barriers. The campaign reframes ‘Fast’ away from the traditiona­l concept of speed, towards that of a personal feeling and empowermen­t of being Faster Than challenges that might hold one back from fulfilling their


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