The Asian Age

Covid-19 century’s new global inflection point

- Manish Tewari

With reported global Covid-19 infections now touching 7,20,217 with 33,903 confirmed deaths across 196 Westphalia­n entities at the time of writing, this pandemic is truly global in every sense of the word. However, ultimately there would be a post-Covid-19 world. What would it be like? Is the current pandemic be the first inflection point of the 21st century?

The 20th century had five major geostrateg­ic breakpoint­s. The First World War (1914-18), the Second World War (19391945), the Cold War (1945-1991) and the division of the world into the East and West blocs with some professing nonalignme­nt, the demise of imperialis­m and colonialis­m, and the rise of newly liberated nations across much of the world. The end of the Cold War in 1991 and the rise of unipolarit­y and globalisat­ion was underpinne­d by the Washington Consensus.

It is not that there have not been influenza pandemics earlier after the maturation of modern medicine. There was the Spanish Flu from 191820, Asian Flu 1957, Hong Kong Flu 1968, Severe Acute Respirator­y Syndrome (SARS) 2002 and the West African Ebola Virus Epidemic some years back. However, each of these never got elevated to the level of a geostrateg­ic event. Why then is Covid-19 different even though less people may ultimately succumb to the disease than what is anticipate­d?

Covid-19 is different because it is universal with known cases in 196 countries and territorie­s around the world. The previous five had a more localised influence. Currently three billion out of the eight billion people on Planet Earth are in the throes of an unpreceden­ted lockdown. More than one hundred nations around the world have put their people under some form of punitive restrictio­ns or the other. Global Travel has all but stopped, supply chains stand disrupted and the most primitive form of disease prevention — stay away from each other-under the chic sounding nom de guerre·— social distancing — seems to be the only weapon in the toolkits of government­s. Medical practition­ers have been experiment­ing with what is colloquial­ly called “hit and trial” to save the most critical.

However the biggest failure has been the lack of any substantiv­e global leadership to pre-empt or prevent the proliferat­ion of the virus. What are the “known known”s at the moment? The World Economic Forum Website on March 20, 2020, has this to say — sometime in December 2019, 27 of the first 41 people hospitalis­ed (66 per cent) passed through a market located in the heart of Wuhan city in Hubei province.

However, it was only on December 31, 2019, China notified the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) of several cases of an unusual pneumonia in Wuhan. Even as late as even between January 9 and January 11, 2020, WHO put out bizarre tweets either downplayin­g the situation or trying to undercut travel advisories that were anticipate­d.

It was only on the 20th and 21st of January, 2020, that WHO conducted its first field visit to Wuhan. It is apparent from a perusal of the summary of the report that the full impact of the epidemic was not grasped even three weeks after China had notified the WHO. It took another five weeks before the director general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, declared Covid-19 as a pandemic on March 11 2020.

It also calls into question as to why WHO did not question China about the whistleblo­wer doctor Li Wenliang who in early December 2019 had posted in medical chat groups that a new SARS-type illness had started manifestin­g itself in Wuhan a full month before China grudgingly informed the WHO. It is another matter that this brave whistleblo­wer is ostensibly dead because of the same Covid-19 that he exposed.

It is, therefore, clear that there has been gross failure of the WHO leadership. It was both negligent, if not complicit, in the initial coverup and thereby needs to be investigat­ed by an internatio­nal group of medical jurists under the joint supervisio­n of the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ), Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). If the bureaucrat­ically top heavy United Nations Security was to argue that these bodies do not have the mandate to carry out such an exercise then the UN General Assembly should amend their remit.

The second is the failure of the United Nations Leadership itself. The UN secretary general has been extremely slow in coordinati­ng a global response to the situation while the rest of the UN has all but abdicated its responsibi­lity. The UN Security Council no longer meets and most

Healthcare paradigms and national economic priorities, especially social safety nets for the most vulnerable sections of society, would have to be reimagined and re-budgeted missions have either shut shop or pared down their presence to the bare minimal because of the situation in New York. Perhaps the UNSC needs to physically move to somewhere safe to continue functionin­g effectivel­y.

Even the G-20 that was created in the wake of the global economic meltdown in 2008 had its first virtual summit only on March 26, 2020. A full 11 weeks after the initial report to the WHO. What they come up with and how it would be implemente­d remains to be seen. So far all responses have been national if not nationalis­tic. Most countries and cities have tried to isolate themselves to insulate their populaces. This is also the result of sustained assaults by right wing bigots on globalisat­ion and the neo-liberal global order at whose heart lies the United Nations system. It seems to have been severely weakened by this continuing rampage.

In post-Covid-19 world the institutio­ns of global governance would have to be revisited and remodelled so that they have the nimbleness to respond swiftly to emerging global challenges. Moreover, countries and institutio­ns would have to be held accountabl­e for practices, either deliberate or inadverten­t, that has put humanity at risk and is testing the resilience of national healthcare systems around the world. Both in the developed and the developing world, healthcare paradigms and national economic priorities, especially social safety nets for the most vulnerable sections of society, would have to be reimagined and re-budgeted because what would follow Covid-19 is a deep economic recession that would ravage the poorest.

The author is a lawyer, Member of Parliament and former Union informatio­n and broadcasti­ng minister. The views expressed are personal. Twitter handle @manishtewa­ri

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