The Asian Age

The standoff in Ladakh: Decoding China signals

- Syed Ata Hasnain

Public understand­ing of security-related issues with Pakistan is far better than those related to China because the former are geographic­ally better imprinted in the Indian public mind. China is much more complex, and India’s relationsh­ip has a lot to do with coexistenc­e with a neighbour who the entire world is attempting to demystify. The puzzle that is China befuddles with its deep civilisati­onal complexity providing little clarity on its intent, especially in suddenly triggered border standoffs. With the ongoing events in Ladakh, the PLA-Indian Army talks are shortly to take place at the traditiona­l meeting spot of the two militaries near Chushul. These are significan­t as Ladakh has become a far more important ground for contest than all the other areas under dispute. So, what are those boxes that one should tick off in the mind to put this entire Chinainiti­ated drama into perspectiv­e for a simpler understand­ing about recent events, from the strategic to the tactical.

China has long been uncomforta­ble with India’s yet unrealised potential. It senses that the gap between the two nations will close at some stage. Its own rise is not unconteste­d, and it fears the feasibilit­y of India’s pragmatic cooperatio­n with China’s detractors to put limits on the latter’s rise. Thus, while fully appreciati­ng the need for economic cooperatio­n with India for its own benefit, the fear of India’s strategic potential dictates the need to slow it down and deter it from both individual and collaborat­ive ambitions. The essence of the Chinese strategy is to develop the existing border dispute in the high Himalayas into an opportunit­y for military coercion. It thus favours non-resolution and perpetuati­on of the dispute. This helps in diverting the world’s attention away from its true vulnerabil­ity — which lies in the maritime zone. Besides this basic strategy, China desires to limit India’s options and psychologi­cally disallow it to ever go the full way to either achieve its own geopolitic­al aspiration­s or cooperate with others. Towards that end China’s limited border-related military adventuris­m is always supported by massive doses of informatio­n warfare, which is usually played out profession­ally in keeping with its developed doctrines.

Why 2020 and why Ladakh, with Sikkim as a sideshow? Geopolitic­ally, the coronaviru­s pandemic has created a flutter and recreated other pressure points for China — Hong Kong, Taiwan and the WHO deliberati­ons being the main ones. The sudden show of boldness by nations such as Australia doesn’t add to its confidence. The pandemic, more than just its fallout on China’s image, has probably triggered the need to strongly message the world that China will adopt all options to safeguard its interests; no better way to communicat­e than through coercive action against a large and strong neighbour, the security relationsh­ip with which lies in the grey zone. Doklam 2017 was perhaps an accident, although many analysts had us believe that the short hop to the Siliguri Corridor from the Chumbi Valley was the threat China wished to play up. I believed that China was hedging its bets as the Indian operationa­l potential in East

Sikkim is at an unapprecia­ted high level. Ladakh 2020 attracts far greater geostrateg­ic value. Importantl­y, it is in Ladakh that the so-called collusive strategy with Pakistan works optimally. Here three fronts exist for India — Eastern Ladakh, the KarakoramS­iachen tract and Kargil. It is the second one which is least understood, and yet its potential is the highest.

The KarakoramS­iachen tract, which lies to the northwest of the Ladakh range, is a geographic­ally separated segment with the Shyok Valley as the dividing line. For India, it is strategica­lly significan­t to maintain operationa­l depth for the Indus Valley in which lies the capital, Leh. If the KarakoramS­iachen tract, with Siachen and Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) as the two main landmarks, were to fall to China in collusion with Pakistan, it would spell a couple of advantages to that combine. First, it will broaden their geographic­al linkage. Second, it will offer potential for the developmen­t of another arm of the Karakoram Highway, a more stable one. Third, it will severely limit India’s military options to recover Gilgit-Baltistan, which remains an aspiration. This is so especially since August 5, 2019, when India abrogated Article 370 on Kashmir and reiterated its desire to recover all territorie­s of the erstwhile J&K as per the 1994 joint resolution of Parliament. The holding of both Siachen and DBO is crucial for India to enable the defence of Ladakh. Pakistan, with its options seemingly running out on J&K, could well have projected to China the vulnerabil­ity of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), with Indian aspiration­s towards GilgitBalt­istan being spelt out more often by India’s political and military leadership. The recent decision to go ahead with the $14 billion Daimer Bhasha dam in GilgitBalt­istan increases China’s

stakes in the region, thus potentiall­y acting as a dampener for Indian aspiration­s. This analogy may appear too ambitious and too premature for a Sino-Pakistan collusive strategy to have developed, but there is no denying that Pakistan’s continuous efforts to get India to agree to a “mutual withdrawal” from Siachen have been in progress for many years. Nothing would spell greater disaster than acceptance of that master deception. It’s the larger understand­ing of the military community that has ensured the continued occupation of Siachen.

The ramping up of Indian capability in Ladakh through augmentati­on of equipment, vastly improved infrastruc­ture and troop reserves is raising China’s apprehensi­ons, and thus the attempted coercion to create a psychologi­cal dampener before confidence levels go beyond the threshold. It will also help in some image recovery for the image of the PLA, partially compromise­d at Doklam. It will be helpful for the Indian Army’s leadership to keep all this in mind. Most of this is at the strategic and operationa­l level, although it’s the tactical which will be more under discussion at Chushul. What must be made starkly clear to the PLA is that tactical gamesmansh­ip without a delineated LAC is likely to lead to a conflagrat­ion sooner than later. The dilution of troop deployment and early initiation of the process of the LAC’s delineatio­n are issues that must be strongly advocated. We must not be forced into more static troop deployment. Until that happens, Ladakh is likely to be the persistent theatre of confrontat­ion between India and China.

The writer, a retired lieutenant-general, is a former commander of the Srinagar-based 15 Corps. He is also associated with the Vivekanand­a Internatio­nal Foundation and the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

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