The Asian Age

Scindia’s ‘BJP-less’ Twitter stirs flutter


Bhopal: Senior BJP leader Jyotiradit­ya Scindia’s Twitter bio on Saturday went viral triggering speculatio­ns as to if he has deleted “BJP” from his profile, prompting his “loyalists” to issue a clarificat­ion denying that he has changed his social media resume deleting BJP in it.

Senior BJP leader Jyotiradit­ya Scindia’s Twitter profile that had brewed a storm in political circle here in December last year following omission of his then party, Congress, to signal his exit from the grand old party, has once again come into focus.

His Twitter bio on Saturday went viral in social media triggering speculatio­ns as to if he has deleted “BJP” from his profile, prompting his “loyalists” to issue a clarificat­ion denying that he has changed his social media resume deleting BJP in it.

“Mr Scindia had changed his Twitter profile before he quit Congress to identify him as ‘cricket enthusiast and public servant’ only. He has changed his profile picture only in the Twitter bio after he joined BJP. Hence, there is no question of deleting BJP from his Twitter bio,” BJP leader Pankaj Chaturvedy, considered his loyalist, told this newspaper.

The news being circulated in social media claiming that he has changed his Twitter bio deleting BJP from it, is “baseless and mischievou­s”, Mr Chaturvedy added.

Mr Scindia has featured in his latest Twitter profile with BJP’s scarf around his neck.

The profile, however, identified him merely as a public servant and cricket enthusiast.

Mr Scindia who switched over to BJP from Congress in March this year triggering the

Jyotiradit­ya Scindia who switched over to BJP from Congress in March this year triggering the collapse of the 15-month-old Kamal Nath government, saw the hand of Congress behind the ‘orchestrat­ed row’ over the issue.

collapse of the 15-monthold Kamal Nath government, saw the hand of Congress behind the “orchestrat­ed row” over the issue.

“Congress should not worry about me. This is no time to do politics. This is time to provide help to needy people. I have not joined BJP with any ambition or for any position. My as well as the Scindia family’s goal has always been to serve the people. I am going ahead in the direction along with the entire nation under the strong leadership of prime minister Narendra Modi,” he tweeted.

“Sadly, false news travels faster than the truth,” he said in another Twitter post.

Congress, however, took a jibe at him for not identifyin­g him with BJP so far.

“Mr Scindia joined BJP three months ago. But, he is yet to identify him with BJP in his Twitter profile,” Congress spokesman Narendra Saluja said.

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