The Asian Age

Merkel hosts Greta for talks on climate crisis


Berlin, Aug. 20: German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted Greta Thunberg and other leading Fridays for Future activists in Berlin on Thursday for talks on the EU's climate goals, with the campaigner­s expected to condemn "political inaction".

Merkel said Swedish 17year-old Thunberg and her co-campaigner­s Luisa Neubauer from Germany and Belgium's Anuna De Wever and Adelaide Charlier had requested the meeting and she was “pleased” to welcome them to the chanceller­y.

The activists warned ahead of the talks that they were dismayed at the lack of progress in fighting climate change despite lofty promises by European government­s.

“When it comes to action we are still in a state of denial. The climate and ecological crisis has never once been treated as a crisis,” they wrote in a letter published in Germany’s Der Spiegel and Britain’s The Guardian.

"We will tell Merkel that she must face up to the climate emergency -- especially as Germany now holds the presidency of the European Council. Europe has a responsibi­lity to act." The meeting comes exactly two years after Thunberg, then 15, started skipping school to strike outside the Swedish parliament to dramatise the need for action against

global warming.

The strike movement has since spread across the world and Merkel has repeatedly expressed her admiration for the masses of young people demonstrat­ing on Fridays for more climate protection.

But the activists say nothing concrete has changed. “Effectivel­y, we have lost another two crucial years to political inaction," they wrote, calling on countries to urgently halt all fossil fuel investment­s. Despite its green reputation abroad, Germany is struggling to meet its own climate targets as the country remains heavily reliant on coal because of its decision to phase out nuclear energy after the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

Europe’s top economy was widely expected to miss its goal of reducing climate-heating greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent this year compared with 1990 levels.

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Greta Thunberg

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