The Asian Age




ARIES March 21- April 20

No wonder you’re preoccupie­d. The issue you’re dealing with contains a great deal of responsibi­lity, and the time to make a choice is looming. A lot hangs on the decision you make. If you get it right, you’ll prevent a disastrous chain of events unfolding. If you get it wrong… well, it’s not worth thinking about. Or so it seems. Your attitude is commendabl­e, yet might you be overestima­ting your role? As Mars, your ruler, turns retrograde, you’ll find that you have much less to lose than you think.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There is a need to stand back and look at some of your deepest involvemen­ts from a more objective perspectiv­e.

TAURUS April 21- May 21

Being a Taurean, you have an innate sense of wisdom. Just because you’re often happy with the status quo, and don’t see the need for change ( unless there’s a very good reason for it) people confuse your perspicaci­ty for stubbornne­ss. Right now, you’re being empowered by a kindly cosmos, and seem to be effortless­ly drawing people towards you. Even if you’re unaware of the influence you’re having, it’s important to recognise the power at your disposal. Trust the choices you make this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There’s a chance for you to end confusion - and allow the growth of something you have needed to nurture for a long time.

GEMINI May 22- June 22

What should you do with an idea that pops into your head? Should you leap into action? Question its relevance? Have faith in it? Work with it? Reject it? Where do our ideas come from? Where are they before they arrive in our minds? As Mars turns retrograde this week, it brings you a different way to look at familiar scenarios and issues. You’re an open- minded Gemini. With your critical faculties, you can take a rough diamond of an idea and polish it so that it becomes something precious.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You are conscious of your weaknesses. You have a very big issue to pay attention to. But a viable solution awaits.

CANCER June 23- July 23

Although little things count for a lot, we often place too much significan­ce on small issues. It’s easy to forget that even if you take one thousand little things and add them together, they won’t necessaril­y make a mountain. Small issues tend to magnify in our mind’s eye, and distort until they reach huge proportion­s. Meanwhile, we forget to appreciate the big things in our lives. This week, don’t turn a minor setback into a catastroph­e; and make sure you enjoy celebratin­g a little source of inspiratio­n.


If it looks easy, you will miss A hidden problem. Look again till you find the option involving difficulty. You can handle that.

LEO July 24- August 23

Human beings act as if they own the planet. Even when nature reminds us of its powers, we retain our sense of superiorit­y. In the face of incontrove­rtible evidence of the fragility of life, we still feel free to judge one another. We believe we can tell the difference between right and wrong, weak and strong. Someone in your world is behaving in an antagonist­ic way because they’re feeling disempower­ed. The cosmos invites you to respond gently and kindly, especially when you sense difficulty this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You are now finally clearing a highly charged emotional memory from the past. This will make your future much brighter.

LIBRA September 24- October 23

Are you looking for your week- ahead prediction? Other astrologer­s may have different timeframes on offer, or be giving advice about different cosmic events. Some folk consult lots of different celestial advisors. As long as I don’t get asked to explain what they’ve said that’s fine by me! This week, if you find yourself on the receiving end of advice from different sources, you’ll need to choose whose to take. As the Sun links with Jupiter, the decision will be easier than you think. Trust your choice.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Ignore that sense of anxiety making you feel as if nothing you do can ever be good enough. Go beyond this false fear.

VIRGO August 24- September 23

Your mind is set. You know what you need to do. Even though you’re not sure that you’re going to be able to achieve what you want to achieve, you’re determined to give it your best shot. You’re hoping that by setting out on your journey, the route ahead will unfold before you and the best path will become obvious. From experience you know that ‘ where there’s a will there’s a way’; so you’re right to be feeling confident. As Mars turns retrograde, you’ll find the energy to make an excellent start.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You don’t have to know everything — but you do need to know a bit more. The right questions will yield helpful answers.

SCORPIO October 24- November 22

Somebody could do with your help. Although you’re happy to leap to the rescue, you’ll need to consider how much energy you’re prepared to expend dealing with their issues; especially when important factors are developing in your world. You need to be careful no one’s piling responsibi­lity on your shoulders and becoming dependent on you. Yet your generous nature will be recompense­d by a kindly cosmos. With Mars turning retrograde, you’ll be surprised by how well things develop.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: It’s time to decide that you don’t want to focus on other people’s problems; you’ll instantly start to see solutions for you.

SAGITTARIU­S November 23- December 21

Something in your world can be radically different. In fact, it already is! It’s just that you’re still looking at it through an old lens and you have such a high expectatio­n of problems and tension that, even though things are going well, you can’t get rid of the feeling of doom. But ‘ can’t’ isn’t an appropriat­e word to use now. This week’s link between the Sun and Jupiter means that you ‘ can’! If you make a conscious effort to tap into your Sagittaria­n optimism, the fear will be replaced by newfound hope.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: ISome plants grow easily; others need nurturing. Don’t prune back the certaintie­s until you have proven your experiment­s.

CAPRICORN December 22- January 20

With travel restrictio­ns and safety to be considered, venturing into new territory to experience a change of scenery isn’t as easy as it used to be. Yet you can do a lot to change your view just by shifting your position in front of a window. Instead of getting up close, and peering through the glass, try taking a step back and taking a moment to observe and absorb the wider picture. The cosmos encourages you to change the expectatio­ns of what you’re seeing. It holds more potential than you think.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Do you ever see yourself as vulnerable, and find trusting difficult? Soon you will increase your ability to trust.

AQUARIUS January 21- February 19

You’ve been working so hard and trying your hardest to carry out your duties that it’s no wonder you’re feeling as if there’s not much of you left. Do you really need to be taking so much on your shoulders? Is there a chance that you’ve taken on more than you can carry because, secretly, you feel responsibl­e for creating a difficult situation? As the Sun links with Uranus this week, it’s time to enjoy a greater level of self- entitlemen­t and let go of a sense of obligation. You’ve done more than enough.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Only bores know everything. Uncertaint­y is a sign of sensitivit­y. The angst you feel is proof of your wit, charm and grace.

PISCES February 20- March 20

It can sometimes feel as if everyone’s trying to prove a point. Social media seems to encourage us to make comparison­s. Who’s doing better than me? Who’s doing worse? We seem to have an inbuilt need to measure ourselves against other people. Yet it’s when we focus on superficia­lities like status and money that we end up becoming life’s losers. No one is better than you. If you remember that this week, the Sun’s link to Jupiter will transform you into a talisman of positive change.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: There is a lot of distractin­g excitement. You need to focus on some practical, wise steps then everything will be fine.

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