The Asian Age

Biden’s attorney-general pick vows to prosecute Jan. 6 Capitol attackers


Washington, Feb. 21: US President Joe Biden's attorney general nominee pledged Saturday to depolitici­se the Justice Department and to vigorously prosecute the Donald Trump supporters who attacked the US Capitol.

In testimony prepared for his confirmati­on hearing on Monday and Tuesday, federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland indicated he wants to remove the taint of political interferen­ce left on the department by Trump.

He said that if confirmed, he would reaffirm “policies that protect the independen­ce of the department from partisan influence in law enforcemen­t investigat­ions (and) that strictly regulate communicat­ions with the White House.” He also promised to create clear guidelines for FBI investigat­ions, amid allegation­s that the agency strayed deeply into politics in investigat­ing Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 and then Trump in 2017-2018.

In an apparent reference to the Black Lives Matter movement, Garland also said that enforcing equal justice for people of colour remains an incomplete and “urgent” task, 150 years after the Justice Department was founded following the Civil War.

Minorities still face discrimina­tion in housing, education and the jobs market, and suffer more than others the impacts of the Coronaviru­s pandemic and climate change, Garland said in his statement. “The Civil Rights Act of 1957 created the Department's Civil Rights Division, with the mission 'to uphold the civil and constituti­onal rights of all Americans, particular­ly some of the most vulnerable members of our society,'” Garland said.

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