The Asian Age

UN chief hails India’s fight against virus


United Nations, Feb. 21: UN chief Antonio Guterres has voiced appreciati­on for India's leadership in the global fight against the Coronaviru­s pandemic and its efforts to bring a “much-needed supply” of the Covid-19 vaccines to the world market. India's Permanent Representa­tive to the UN Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti tweeted on Saturday that Guterres, in a letter dated February 17, “extends his personal gratitude” to External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for “India's offer of 200,000 doses" of Covid-19 vaccines for UN peacekeepe­rs. The Secretary-General says “India has been a global leader in pandemic response efforts”, Tirumurti tweeted, expressing his gratitude to the UN Chief.

In an excerpt of the letter tweeted by Tirumurti, Guterres says, “Indeed, India has been a global leader in pandemic response efforts having provided critical medicines, diagnostic kits, ventilator­s and personal protective equipment to more than 150 countries.

“Efforts by India in developing and manufactur­ing one of the two vaccines currently granted Emergency Use Listing by the World Health Organisati­on bring a much-needed supply to the global vaccine market. I also appreciate your continued efforts to support and strengthen the COVAX Facility to ensure more equitable access.”

COVAX is a global initiative aimed at equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines. On Wednesday, India, which has been hailed as the pharmacy of the world, announced the gift of 200,000 Covid-19 doses for UN peacekeepe­rs. “Keeping in mind the UN Peacekeepe­rs who operate in such difficult circumstan­ces, we would like to announce today a gift of 200,000 doses for them,” Jaishankar said, addressing the UN Security Council open debate on the implementa­tion of resolution 2532 (2020) on the cessation of hostilitie­s in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Quoting the Bhagavad Gita, Jaishankar had said “Do your work with the welfare of others always in mind.”

He told the meeting that it is this spirit in which India approaches the Covid challenge and urged the Council to work collective­ly to address its different dimensions. The 200,000 doses essentiall­y mean that it will be possible to administer the required double doses of Covid vaccines to all UN peacekeepe­rs across missions. According to UN Peacekeepi­ng, currently, a total of 94,484 personnel are serving in 12 peacekeepi­ng operations across the world led by the Department of Peace Operations.

A total of 121 nations are contributi­ng uniformed personnel to the UN peacekeepi­ng missions. India is traditiona­lly among the largest troop-contributi­ng countries to peacekeepi­ng missions. Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General, had said in response to a question on the Secretary General's thoughts on the announceme­nt by India, said that Guterres is “extremely grateful” for the gift of 200,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses for UN peacekeepe­rs and the distributi­on will be operationa­lised by the UN's Department of Support.

“We are extremely grateful for this donation announced today by the Indian delegation. The distributi­on will be operationa­lised by the UN's Department of Support,” Dujarric had said.

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