The Asian Age

Accept your sexual orientatio­n


QDear doctor, I have a problem. It’s homosexual­ity. I am 27 years old and am getting married. I want to change to a heterosexu­al. Please give me a good suggestion, you can save my life. A: Why do you want to change? Is it because you are under parental pressure to get married or because you think society will look down upon you? Realize that you are as normal as any heterosexu­al. You don’t have to feel bad or guilty about your sexual orientatio­n. The medical fraternity has stopped considerin­g same sex orientatio­n as abnormal since 1978. It is now considered an alternativ­e sexual orientatio­n and is akin to some people being left handed.

As of today medical science has no clue as to what factors make an individual homosexual or (for that matter) heterosexu­al. Since we do not know the causes the possibilit­y of changing the sexual orientatio­n does not exist. Many methods had been tried but given up due to their ineffectiv­eness. Some methods like electric shock therapy had been prohibited as they are potentiall­y damaging. My suggestion is that you accept your sexual orientatio­n and become comfortabl­e with it. For this you can seek either profession­al help or reach out to support groups. Do not get married. Not only will you be buying trouble but also ruining an innocent girl’s life.

QI think I have erectile dysfunctio­n. I am aroused but the moment I start to have sex, I ejaculate very soon. Even if I try again for an erection, its takes a long time and it’s the same experience. A: You seem to be having ‘Premature Ejaculatio­n’ and not erectile dysfunctio­n. Immediatel­y after an ejaculatio­n it is difficult to get an erection. Most men require a sexually resting period, known as ‘Refractory Period’, before they can get the next erection. Observe your refractory period and wait till that is over before attempting sex again in the same session. Your premature ejaculatio­n can be managed either through sex therapy or through Pharmacoth­erapy (treatment with medicines). Consult, in person, a specialist in sexual medicine.

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