The Asian Age

Your day today

- By Dr C.V.B. Subrahmany­am PHILLIP ALDER

You will remain obsessed with someone you dislike. You will finally become the owner of a property you have invested your money in.


Someone may be watching your performanc­e closely at work. Don’t commit your money in any scheme without going into the details.


Those in love are likely to make time to meet their lover. Keeping in touch with a long-distant family elder is likely to be appreciate­d in your social circle.


Someone’s insistence can make you waste time on an aimless journey. You will succeed in warding off a seasonal ailment by adequate precaution­s.


Your stars appear to be great today. Something conducted by you at work will become a perfect example for others to emulate. You are likely to gain a celebrity status.

Bollywood star Varun Dhawan is one of the country's highest-paid celebritie­s. He is also the only actor in the history of Hindi cinema to feature in eleven box-office successes in a row from the inception of his career with Student of the year



You will be very understand­ing on the family front. There is a lot that you want to achieve, but find it difficult to trust people. You can follow your dreams by just changing your mindset.


Ben Fogle, in "English -The Story of Marmite, Queuing and Weather" (William Collins), spends eight pages describing the World Worm Charming Championsh­ips. They started in 1980, when Tom Shufflebot­ham charmed 511 worms out of the ground in 30 minutes! The 18 rules are enforced by the Internatio­nal Federation of Charming Worms and Allied Pastimes, which also regulates underwater Ludo and indoor hang gliding!

Arguably Britain's bestever woman player was Rixi Markus. Her strengths were knowing what her opponents would do next and card reading. Today's deal was classic Rixi (as she was known by everyone). The bidding isn't recorded, but the English open one notrump with only 12-14 points. Then Stayman leads to four spades.

West led the heart king: two, jack, nine. West switched to the diamond nine, ducked to South's king. Rixi played her second heart. West won with the ace and persevered with his remaining diamond. East took the trick with his ace and shifted to a club.

Rixi had to draw trumps without loss. How were the spades divided? To try to find out, Rixi won with dummy's club king and led the heart queen. East calmly discarded a club. Declarer crossed to her club ace and led the diamond queen. West also refused to ruff, pitching a club. A club ruff and the heart 10 gave the answer. When East threw a diamond, Rixi confidentl­y cashed the spade king and continued with the spade jack to pin West's 10.

Rixi was a difficult partner, always quick to criticize, but away from the table she was charming.

Copyright United Feature Syndicate (Asia Features)

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