The Asian Age

‘Formulatin­g policy for security to health staff’


The home ministry is in the process of formulatin­g “uniform guidelines for providing adequate security cover and a safe environmen­t to all doctors, nurses, and other para-medic staff” who are not only involved in corona related duties but are providing other medical treatment as well. The move comes close on the heels of the Indian Medical Associatio­n (IMA), an umbrella organisati­on of doctors in India, writing to PM requesting him to ensure that doctors on duty be provided with proper security.

The IMA had written the letter after videos went viral on the social media of two doctors being brutally thrashed by relatives of patients in Assam. Even though the state police had taken a serious note of the incident, the IMA is now demanding that the Centre ensure adequate safety for doctors on duty.

Sources said home minister Amit Shah has given clear instructio­ns that there would be no compromise on the safety of frontline warriors like doctors. The Centre is working on making stringent guidelines with provisions for strong legal and criminal action against those involved in attacks on doctors and para-medic staff.

Even during the first wave, the MHA had written to the states in this regard but this time a more formal arrangemen­t is being put in place which would be mandatory for the states to follow.

With corona’s threat far from over as a third wave of the virus is being anticipate­d sometime in September, there is an urgent need to ensure the safety of doctors and other hospital staff as they have been on the frontline saving precious human lives.

“Doctors and other healthcare staff are our true corona warriors and heroes. No violence against them will be tolerated at any cost and strict instructio­ns have been given in this regard by the home minister. We are in the process of making some strong guidelines in this regard, which will be shared with all the states,” a senior official added.

◗ THE MOVE comes close on the heels of the IMA, an umbrella organisati­on of doctors in India, writing to PM Modi requesting him to ensure that doctors on duty be provided with proper security

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