The Asian Age



“With every breath I take, I am sending, love, gratitude and healing to my heart!”

— Louise Hay, American motivation­al author and the founder of ‘Hay House’

very year, 29 September celebrates World Heart Day. Created by the World Heart Federation, this day spreads awareness about cardio vascular diseases (CVD), considered the world’s leading cause of death, taking 18.6 million lives every year.

While you must follow your doctor’s advice to a healthy heart, here are a few spiritual practices I believe can help you live a mindful life and heal your heart space.

First and foremost, open your heart by consciousl­y breathing into your heart space. Spend some time every day consciousl­y breathing. As you inhale and exhale, focus on your heart centre, as if all your energy was resting there.

Another way to open and heal your heart is through yoga, which helps reduce stress and anxiety, and benefits your heart. You may practice simple poses considered beneficial for the heart, such as Utthita Trikonasan­a (extended triangle pose) or the Paschimott­anasana (seated forward bend pose).

Another advice for a happy and healthy heart is to “always listen to your heart”. Follow your heart. Whenever you do something only to please others, your heart suffers. In the words of David Frawley, American author, astrologer and Vedic acharya, “How we feel in our heart is the measure of who we really are.”

While you’re at it, develop an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude attracts positivity and brings warmth into your heart space. And lastly, create conscious connection­s. Deepen your connection­s with your loved ones and engage with people from different walks of life. This shall help you feel the universal power of ‘connectedn­ess’ at a cosmic level.

My dear readers, I hope you live your life with an open heart space so it creates more energy, vitality and motivation in your lives. An open heart space enables you to be authentica­lly who you are and experience the joy of deep connection­s, love and peace, which shall make both you and your heart happy and healthy.

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