The Asian Age




HMarch 21 - April 20

ave you ever considered running for government? I'm not joking! With your innovative ideas and your motivation­al skills being encouraged by a series of powerful celestial events, your leadership abilities will be much in demand. Even if you're not the ambitious type, you'll find yourself dealing with responsibi­lities and demonstrat­ing the best way to deal with life's inevitable challenges. As you knock situations into shape, you may surprise yourself, let alone the people around you. Enjoy the status December brings!



Expect some surprising­ly positive change; Unmissable gift… free audio and video forecasts:

TAURUS April 21-May 21

R emember how you danced when you were young? It's easy to look back at the moves we used to make, and think we'd look ridiculous now. Are you looking at your current situation with the perspectiv­e of the person you used to be? December brings a fresh outlook; an innovative approach that enables you to reassess and change. It's based on a deeper understand­ing of who you are (rather than who you used to be). If you accept yourself and appreciate your gifts, you'll see improvemen­ts in all aspects of your world.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: If what you see is inspiring, trust it; Don't miss out… free audio and video forecasts:

GEMINI May 22-June 22

W e all have ways to make ourselves feel good. We develop ways of giving ourselves the equivalent of a stress-relieving massage, and we can find ways to wriggle off any hooks we find ourselves on. Thank goodness! Far better to be our own best friend than to be our own worst enemy. December brings opportunit­ies for you to turn sticky situations around so that they work in your favour. Through the power of selfbelief, you can be at your most charming and optimistic. When you feel good, just remember to share your enthusiasm.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Don't turn a trivial issue into a big silly dispute; Try this out… free audio and video forecasts:

The year 2021 isn't going to go softly into the night. With a Total Eclipse, Venus turning retrograde, Jupiter changing signs, and a final flurry between Saturn and Uranus lighting up December's skies, a cosmic crescendo is building. It calls us to commit to making meaningful changes. A link between Venus and Pluto promises that a cathartic transforma­tion can reconnect us with values we thought lost. Anything worth having requires effort. And this month, if we put the work in, the rewards will be satisfying­ly pleasing.

CANCER June 23-July 23

t's satisfying to think we've reached an agreement, or come to a conclusion. Yet negotiatio­ns involve a process. Like an elaborate meal, there are different courses that need appreciati­ng and digesting before we can move on to the next. Under December's powerful cosmic skies, be as flexible as you can be. Arrangemen­ts don't need to be set in stone. Don't worry about other people reneging on promises, focus on how you're being presented with opportunit­ies to relieve yourself from dull commitment­s. And enjoy!

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Compromise is healthy. Don't fear it; Discover the inner you… free audio and video forecasts:

LEO July 24-August 23

E ven if you buy the most sophistica­ted home security gear, you won't be able to stop the 'time thief' stealthily making its way into your world. It's as cunning as the most skilful cat-burglar... but it's your precious schedule, rather than your jewellery that's at risk. December's always a busy month, but this one, which includes a Total Eclipse and the Solstice, is going to be particular­ly frenetic... and potentiall­y exciting. As long as you stay clear-headed and focused, you'll be able to ignore the distractio­ns and enjoy great success.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: This is no time to let doubt blow out the candle of faith; Especially for you… free audio and video forecasts:

LIBRA September 24-October 23

Y ou're a generous soul. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, you go out of your way to help others, not because you expect the favour to be returned, but by the goodness of your heart. You can't bear to see injustice and like to balance wrongs. Even when surrounded by selfishnes­s, you can't help but be kind. Since you're discreet, no one seems to notice your deeds. In December, you get the recognitio­n you deserve. In this month of giving and receiving, the gift you're presented with can seriously improve your life.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Seek more informatio­n. Most of the news will be good; Ready now... free audio and video forecasts:

VIRGO August 24-September 23

I magine you're approachin­g a fortified castle. It has a powerful sound system over which you can hear a voice saying 'Warning! Trespasser­s will be prosecuted'. You'd soon be off in the other direction. Unless, of course, you're rebellious (or insatiably curious) - in which case you might feel a pique of excitement. December's powerful cosmic climate tempts you into situations you might normally pass by. As long as your motives are clear, and your intentions are for the good of all, be ready for an adventure you won't forget.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You have a true passion to declare. Honour it; Our gift to you… free audio and video forecasts:

SCORPIO October 24-November 22


e set our sights on impressive objectives, then we're surprised by the amount of stress and strain in our lives. Wouldn't it be easier if we lowered our expectatio­ns? Yet this month, if you find yourself struggling up a slippery, steep slope, it could be worth digging in deep and finding a way to get to the top. You've already taken bold steps and set important changes into motion. In December, you'll get the support you need. As long as you don't get too distracted by other people's agendas, you'll make excellent progress.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: True fools are the folk with hard hearts. Be kind; There's more… free audio and video forecasts:

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

W ith Venus in your sign for a protracted visit and your ruler, Saturn, forming a final square to Uranus, your agenda is setting itself. Lines are being drawn, options are being ruled out and priorities are becoming clear. In December, there's little room to doubt what you need to do. Unless you want to spend the month holding back a tide, you need to recognise the direction things are moving in and go with the flow. Save yourself for causes worth fighting for. When you purposeful­ly direct your energy, you'll come out winning.

Focus on a plan that stands a chance of working; A brilliant offer… free audio and video forecasts:


January 21-February 19

L ife's full of infuriatin­g, irritating things. No matter what we do, we can't escape the ridiculous situations that come our way. Even a smart Aquarian can't protect themselves from less-than-desirable developmen­ts. And December... well it's the icing on this year's cake; this month, you'll wonder how you ever managed to get yourself into certain crazy situations. Yet, as your ruler, Uranus, squares with Saturn, you'll see what you've gained from your experience­s. Keep smiling and enjoying this. It's going to end surprising­ly well.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Stick to the task you set yourself; Right here, right now… free audio and video forecasts:

PISCES February 20-March 20

D ecember's celestial activities tell a story of inspiratio­n and opportunit­y. Of someone recognisin­g what has long been in their power to achieve; only until now, they couldn't see it. They didn't know how good things could get. In case you're wondering... that 'someone' is you. You've been waiting for the chance to overcome a difficulty and take charge of a mission destined for success. When Jupiter, your traditiona­l ruler, moves into your sign at the end of the month, you'll know with certainty that you're on the right path.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: If your head is in one place and your heart in another. Follow your heart; Oscar's gift… free audio and video forecasts: infree.

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