The Asian Age

Woman dies falling off flyover as car hit divider, son survives

21-yr-old son of the deceased was driving the car


A 45-year-old woman died and her son sustained severe injuries after their Scorpio car collided with the divider at Satyawati flyover on early Sunday morning, police said. Poonam Bhatia succumbed to her injuries while her son, Vats, 21, is still under treatment at Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital, they said.

The accident took place when the mother and son, both residents of Ashok Vihar in Northwest Delhi, were returning home after attending a function, police said. The car was being driven by the son, they said.

The impact of the accident was such that the woman was thrown out of the car and fell off the flyover, a senior police officer said. The car was crushed in front, she said.

At around 5 am, a PCR call regarding an accident was received at Satyawati Flyover Bharat Nagar Police Station, Deputy Commission­er of Police (Northwest) Usha Rangnani said.

When the local police reached the spot, they found a Scorpio vehicle bearing Delhi registrati­on number in mangled state.

According to the preliminar­y enquiry, after the car hit the divider at Satyawati Flyover, the driver lost its control.

“Both were immediatel­y shifted to Deep Chand

Bandhu Hospital, where the woman succumbed to her injuries while her son is still being treated for injuries and is stated to be out of danger,” she said.

The statement of the son will be recorded once he is declared fit by the doctors on duty, police said, adding the body of the woman will be handed over to the family after the post-mortem.

“We have registered a case under sections 279 (rash driving or riding on a public way), 337 (causing hurt by act endangerin­g life or personal safety of others), and 304 A (causing death by negligence) of the Indian Penal Code and further investigat­ion is under progress,” said Rangnani.

The CCTV cameras installed in and around the accident spot are being analysed to ascertain the sequence of the incident, police said.

THE ACCIDENT took place when the mother and son, both residents of Ashok Vihar in Northwest Delhi, were returning home after attending a function, police said. The car was being driven by the son, they said.

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