The Asian Age

‘Govt improving health with holistic approach’


Ahmedabad, Dec. 17: The Centre has taken up the mission to improve the health of people with a holistic approach by increasing the budget for it and launching various schemes and campaigns in the last one decade, Union minister Amit Shah has said. Addressing the 6th Advancemen­ts in Endourolog­y Conference here on Saturday, Mr Shah also thanked doctors and paramedica­l staff for working with dedication in the fight against Covid-19.

“The Union as well as state government­s and doctors across the country are working together with a holistic approach to improve the health of the people through the implementa­tion of schemes prepared minutely during the last 10 years,” he said.

“The biggest work was to increase the health budget from `33,000 crores to `1.33 lakh crores. The government worked to improve the health infrastruc­ture and increase human resources required for modern medical science,” he added.

Campaigns such as the Swachh Bharat Yojana launched for prevention of diseases as well as initiative­s to take health services to every part of the country have played a crucial role, Mr Shah said.

Citing a personal example, he said, “One of my granddaugh­ters was born during Covid-19, and family members decided not to take her to the government hospital for vaccinatio­n. The bill for vaccines for the child under nine years in a private hospital was `36,000.”

“As against this, we received a coffee mug and zero bill for my first granddaugh­ter, who was born during normal time and got vaccinated in a municipal hospital,” Mr Shah told the gathering.

Mr Shah also narrated how his sister, who wanted to come to India from the US during the Covid-19 pandemic period after flight services resumed, was unable to do so because she had not received a vaccinatio­n certificat­e even a monthand-half after getting inoculated.

“But in India you got the certificat­e on your mobile phone within 30 seconds. It was good use of technology by the government. We used technology and apps to make arrangemen­ts to provide the receipt of administra­tion of vaccines within 30 seconds,” Mr Shah pointed out.

 ?? Amit Shah ??
Amit Shah

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