The Asian Age

Turmoil in Cong’s minority cell in Maha

30 office bearers tender resignatio­n over no LC ticket to Muslim


◗ CONGRESS LEGISLATOR­S Wajahat Mirza and Pradnya Satav are retiring on July 27, 2024. The party high command has re-nominated Ms Satav as it can get only one candidate elected.

As the Congress has not given the Maharashtr­a Legislativ­e Council ticket to a minority community member, there is unrest in the minority cell of the party.

The party has given a ticket to Pradnya Satav for biennial election for 11 seats of the Maharashtr­a Legislativ­e Council.

Around 30 party office bearers of Muslim community have tendered their resignatio­n from their posts.

A party insider said that this will be the first time that there will be no members from Muslim community in the Council.

Maharashtr­a has a total 78 members of the Legislativ­e Council. Of the 78 members, the Congress party has eight members.

Congress legislator­s Wajahat Mirza and Pradnya Satav are retiring on July 27, 2024. The party high command has re-nominated Ms Satav as it can get only one candidate elected.

Zakir Hussain Kureshi, joint secretary of minority cell of Maharashtr­a Congress, wrote a letter to Wajahat Mirza, president of Maharashtr­a Congress minority cell, stating the party did not give a single ticket to Muslim community in the Lok Sabha election.

However, the muslim community wholeheart­edly campaigned for the party candidates in Lok Sabha, the letter said.

“Leaders like Arif Naseem Khan, Wajahat Mirza and Muzaffar Hussain were in the zone of considerat­ion for the Council election,” the letter said. “However, the party did not nominate any of them. As a result, there is huge disappoint­ment in the muslim community. The party has also misled the community. Therefore, I offer my resignatio­n,” it added .

This paper is in possession of several letters, which echoes the same sentiments.

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