The Financial Express (Delhi Edition)

Evokes Washington Post press credential­s, slams Amazon


June 14: Donald Trump revoked the Washington Post’s press credential­s from his presidenti­al campaign, saying the newspaper is a front for Amazon’s political agenda.

“They have no integrity and they write falsely about Trump,” the presumptiv­e Republican nominee’s campaign said in a statement.

The 138-year-old Post, owned by Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos, called Trump’s move an attempt to strong-arm the press by controllin­g access, and other journalism groups rallied to the newspaper’s side.

Amazon referred questions to the newspaper. The decision “is nothing less than a repudiatio­n of the role of a free and independen­t press,” Marty Baron, executive editor of the Post, said in a statement.

Trump took issue with a Post story on his comments to Fox News about President Barack Obama’s handling of terrorism in the US. The newspaper said Trump’s statements that “there’s something going on” in the president’s behavior implied that Obama played a role in the Orlando attacks.

Trump’s campaign said Amazon’s owners use the Post as a mouthpiece to help avoid paying taxes and to use monopoly power against other retailers. Bezos acquired the Post in 2013 for $250 million.

“Revoking the credential­s of the Washington Post to cover the Trump campaign is bad for voters in the United States and bad for press freedom everywhere,” the Committee to Protect Journalist­s said in a statement. “It provides a ready-made excuse for authoritar­ian leaders to crack down further on independen­t journalist­s.” Bloomberg

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