The Free Press Journal

Divers prise open front section of submarine


The Indian Navy on Sunday said that they have gained access to the forward compartmen­t of the ill-fated submarine INS Sindhuraks­hak by breaking open the jammed hatches.

However, there were no reports of any more bodies being sighted in the vessel. Battling all odds, the rescuers from Indian Navy had till Saturday extricated six bodies of victims from the submarine.

The sixth body was extricated from the mangled remains of the submarine late Saturday night.

The salvage operation is, meanwhile, turning out to be tricky and dangerous. Heavy-duty pumps are being used to pump out the water from the submarine. Perforce, the Navy is availing of the assistance of profession­al salvers from reputed companies.

Earlier, sources had said Navy divers were carrying out the task of searching the submarine by "feeling each inch."

The naval command in Visakhapat­nam has also establishe­d a similar family support cell, as in Mumbai, to interact with the family members of the crew

who could not travel to Mumbai, the release said. The Navy has instituted a Board of Inquiry to probe the cause of the explosions and fire which is expected to submit its report within four weeks. Mumbai Police have registered a case of accidental death in connection with the worst peacetime tragedy suffered by the Navy.

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