The Free Press Journal

Code blue is more like it

The Sindhuraks­hak disaster hit our Navy after a particular ly good week, i n which the first home-built aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, was launched and the reactor in INS Arihant went critical


The Indian Navy has received a major setback and jolt, with the explosion sinking the Russian-b submarine at the Mumbai harbour, with at least 18 sailors, including three officers, killed. This is one of the worst tragedies to hit the Navy since the sinking of INS Khukri during the 1971 India-Pakistan war and has left the Navy particular­ly vulnerable, with just six or seven of the remaining 14 submarines operationa­l.

The disaster hit the Indian Navy after a particular­ly good week, in which the first home-built aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, was launched, and the reactor in the first indigenous­ly built nuclear submarine INS Arihant went critical. Within three days, INS Sindhuraks­hak became a ball in the sky, with the blaze gutting the submarine capable of firing cruise missles at a range of 125 miles. This was the second fire in the Russian-Kilo class sub, the first from a defective battery in 2010, in which a sailor was killed and others injured. Built in St Petersburg, the submarine was sent back for a Rs 480 crore upgrade, and had returned only seven months ago, from the Zvezdochka Shipyard.

It is early days yet, but the explosion seems to have been triggered off yet again by a defective battery. And as naval officials have pointed out to the media, it was fortunate that this happened while the submarine was docked and most of the sailors were able to save their lives by jumping into the waters. The scale of the disaster would have been far greater, had the sub been on operationa­l deployment.

But while the Navy copes with the disaster and the nation awaits the results of a probe that will no doubt be ordered into the incident, the Indian Navy’s ambition to emerge as a “blue-water navy” is being seriously undercut by its diminishin­g submarine fleet. In fact, the entire military seems to be suffering from a dire want of equipment, with the government dragging its feet on this for a while now. Defence Minister A K Antony has slowed the pace of procuremen­ts considerab­ly, with his inability to take quick decisions, and his poor understand­ing of the defence vision.

The submarines provide a case in point. On the one side, the government and its strategic advisors make much of Chinese incursions into India, with media stars on prime time television insisting on “action.” On the other, this big talk is not matched by true action, with India’s diminishin­g submarine force set to equal Pakistan’s in another two years, while China forges ahead with its current 45 submarines, and plans to build at least another 15 Tuan class attack submarines , based on German diesel engine purchases.

Delays are inbuilt into Indian plans, with the six Scorpene submarines being built at the Mazagon Docks in Mumbai ex- pected to be ready only by 2017, when according to the initial plans, the first should have been commission­ed in 2012.

A second instance is that of the 126 multi-role combat aircraft that the Indian Air Force is in dire need of. The Rs 82,000 crore MMCRA deal, increasing with every hour, eventually went to Dassault Rafaele, from six featured aircraft, at a revised cost of US $ 20 billion. This was in January 2012. Nothing has moved on this yet, even though at the time, Antony himself had said that the negotiatio­ns to finalise the contract would begin soon. The deal seems to be stuck somewhere now, with no official confirmati­on one way or the either from the union defence ministry. It might be recalled that the process to procure these aircraft had begun as far back as 2001, with the Indian Air Force clearly struggling with the available fleet of outdated aircraft.

The armed forces are clearly being shackled by the civilian wing, namely the defence ministry, that retains the last word on procuremen­ts. The conservati­ve bureaucrac­y that ultimately influences the political masters is clearly not impressed or concerned with the vision documents prepared regularly by the defence chiefs to bring India’s military into a state of preparedne­ss, where it can face the most determined of aggressors. The vision is necessaril­y linked to weaponisat­ion, and over the last ten years in particular, nothing has moved to close the gap between the two. Instead, the gap has increased with the apathetic bureaucrac­y and weak or corrupt defence ministers, for whom procuremen­ts are inextricab­ly linked to the commission­s, and not necessaril­y to the military’s urgent requiremen­ts.

The rot within was exposed during the Kargil conflict, when it became apparent that the soldiers of the Indian Army were being made to fight a war at high altitudes without even the basic facilities, such as snow shoes, or food that could survive the weather. The response of the government at the time was not to fill in the gaps and equip the jawans with the latest of equipment, but to purchase coffins at a high commission! The soldier continues to work under extreme conditions with poor facilities, surviving only because of his profession­alism, as there has been little change in the situation insofar his welfare is concerned. A paucity of tanks and ammunition continues to confound the armed forces, with reports of the former being cannibalis­ed to keep at least some sections afloat.

So instead of screaming war, and becoming almost hysterical on prime time television, our news anchors would do well to raise the serious issues confoundin­g the armed forces. For the dangers come not from the outside, but from within. The Indian armed forces across the world are known for their profession­alism. But unfortunat­ely, defence deals are now mired in deep corruption, giving the defence establishm­ent of India not a very good name across the world, besides affecting our state of preparedne­ss. As in all cases, if action had been taken at the onset, this would have acted as a much-needed check and balance. In other words, had the Bofors deal makers not got away, the role of middlemen, commission­s and corruption might have been another story.

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