The Free Press Journal

IMF or early polls alone can help


There is a clear disjunct between what Finance Minister says and what he does. While P Chidambara­m keeps on chanting the mantra, all-is-well-there-is-no-need-for-panic, his ministry furiously rolls back reforms to recreate conditions in the pre-liberaliza­tion period. Of course, nobody is fooled by the ministeria­l double-speak. Had there been an honest admission of a crisis and an open debate on the best steps to combat it, maybe there would not have been such widespread skepticism about the new imposition­s on the tax-payers. But it is the sheer hypocrisy which has made these harsh steps all the more unpalatabl­e. Again, were there a minuscule chance of the tinkering with the tax code succeeding to ward off the crisis, these would have found a grudging acceptance. However, since all of them have the potential to hurt a small section of tax-payers without in anyway attacking the problem of high current account deficit, these have attracted sharp criticism. The problem of structural deficienci­es cannot be solved by increasing customs duties on flat television­s. This will only encourage smuggling. Following the imposition of ten per cent duty on gold imports, smuggling of gold has picked up. Also, the slashing of the cap on annual outward remittance from the earlier two lakh dollars to seventy-five thousand dollars is unlikely to help much. The latest measures on the anvil aim at raising the income-tax levy on high-net individual­s. A fourth slab is proposed to be introduced to raise the maximum rate at 35 per cent for those earning above Rs 10 crore. This slab was abolished in 1996-97. The highest rate even for super rich individual­s was capped at 30 per cent. Also, super rich might be asked to pay a special dividend tax and wealth tax, both were abolished several years ago. Individual­s earning dividend above Rs one crore per annum might have to shell out tax at ten per cent. Individual­s owning more than one house and keeping it vacant might have to pay tax at its ratable value depending on the location. More such measures aimed at mopping up fresh revenue are reportedly on the anvil. Whether these are implemente­d immediatel­y or wiser counsels prevail in the Finance Ministry will be known in the next couple of days. But the fact that they are under considerat­ions speaks of the sheer desperatio­n that informs the current policy-making in the Government. Having slept through for over four years, now the Government is virtually catching at straws to prevent the economy from tanking. Such tinkering is bound to skim the surface of the problem. Ad nauseam it has been stated that the crisis is much deeper to lend itself to such niggardly but nonetheles­s painful steps. Whether it is the unattracti­veness of household savings, or the failure of the coal sector monopoly to supply coal to thermal plants, or the crisis in the manufactur­ing sector, the failure of policy-makers is at the heart of the current crisis. The UPA Government patted itself on its back for surviving through the post-Lehman financial crisis in 2008. Therefore, it does not lie in its mouth to now hold global factors responsibl­e for a mess which is definitely of its own making. Investor confidence is shattered.

Psychologi­cally, the logjam in Parliament too impacts the economic mood. So does the insistence on pushing through the Food Security Bill whose real benefits are in indirect proportion to the high decibel propaganda dished out by the ruling party megaphones. It is not that the UPA Government is set to supply food grains over and above 25 or 35 kilo per month being supplied by various State Government­s. No. All that the bill seems to do is to dress up the existing schemes and club them all together under a single rubric with an eye on the voters. This is deception. Yes, there might be a small increase in the number of beneficiar­ies but overall it is the same old scheme already being successful­ly implemente­d in the States which is being presented as a brand new act of bounty by the high priestess of 10 Janpath. Hoodwinkin­g people to win the coming polls is the objective. Unfortunat­ely, highoctane propaganda about the food security scheme has further sapped investor confidence. Even Chidambara­m cannot try and reassure the people that there will be no appreciabl­e rise in food subsidy as a result of the so-called game-changer of a food security scheme because it would detract from its hoodwink value. In sum, an early election or an immediate recourse to an IMF loan alone can boost the economic sentiment. Tinkering with customs and income- tax rates will rile a few people, but it would not help prevent the free-fall of the currency or stem the problem of trade imbalance.

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