The Free Press Journal

Crackdown on maternity tourism hubs in America

Such businesses provide services to pregnant foreign nationals interested in obtaining US citizenshi­p for their offspring


US investigat­ors launched dawn raids Tuesday on dozens of Los Angeles locations suspected of offering "maternity tourism" services for mostly Chinese mothers wanting to give birth in the United States, reports AFP.

The raids targeted apartment complexes in the Irvine, Rancho Cucamonga, Rowland Heights and Walnut districts outside LA where the US Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t (ICE) agency says foreign clients are housed.

The businesses, which advertised online, had names including "You Win USA Vacation Resort" and "USA Happy Baby Inc."

"Such businesses provide travel and lodging services to pregnant foreign nationals interested in coming to the United States to give birth so their offspring will be American citizens," ICE spokeswoma­n Virginia Kice said.

When babies born in the US reach adulthood they can apply for visas for family members living abroad, ICE noted.

Kice said the raids, in three dozen locations overall, aimed to gather "further evidence related to a variety of possible criminal violations, including visa and tax fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy."

According to ICE, the maternity tourism businesses cater mostly to Chinese women who pay $15,000$50,000 for the services, which can include getting social security numbers and US passports for their offspring.

Kice added that investigat­ors alleged that "the operators of the maternity tourism businesses coached clients to misreprese­nt the purpose of their visit in order to obtain tourist visas to enter the US."

"Business operators also instructed clients to wear loose clothing on their inbound flights and not carry baby parapherna­lia in their luggage to avoid arousing suspicion when being inspected" by US customs officers.

The fees paid cover lodging, transporta­tion, and food, but do not include medical care.

The women appear to pay cash for pre-natal visits and the actual delivery.

The more expensive maternity tourism packages included recreation­al activities such as visits to Disneyland, shopping malls, "even an outing to a firing range," it noted.

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