The Free Press Journal



T he Ishrat Jahan case is getting murkier. It now turns out that then Home Minister P. Chidambara­m was being economical with the truth about the two different affidavits filed before the court-appointed Special Investigat­ion Team. In the first it was claimed, and truthfully, that Ishrat Jahan was a Laskhar-e-Taiba terrorist who was on a mission to eliminate Narendra Modi back when he was still the chief minister of Gujarat. However, within weeks, another affidavit was filed. And in this one, most tellingly, any reference to her being a LeT terrorist was pointedly omitted. The informatio­n that she was part of a LeT module and was out to eliminate Modi was provided by the National Investigat­ion Agency and the US’s Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion. Subsequent events revealed how the notorious Pakistani-American double agent David Coleman Headley was part of the LeT conspiracy. Headley’s arrest and interrogat­ion by the FBI had led to the disclosure. FBI shared the informatio­n with the Indian authoritie­s which after follow-up found it credible enough to warn the Gujarat Police. Ishrat Jahan, her local accomplice­s and two Pakistani LeT operatives were eliminated in an encounter outside Gandhinaga­r. Instead of commending the Gujarat Police, the Centre contrived to foist a case of false encounter with the sole objective of trapping Modi and then Gujarat Minister of State for Home Amit Shah. That a huge number of such encounters under its own watch had gone uninvestig­ated, and in quite a few of them innocents were killed, did not seem to be of any concern to Chidambara­m and his party leadership. Nor did it matter that none other than senior party colleague, Digvijay Singh, had publicly questioned the Chidambara­m claim about the Batla House encounter and demanded a judicial probe. That demand was never conceded and Batla House encounter was never probed independen­tly. But the death of Ishrat Jahan was made into a cause célèbre with an eye on foiling Modi’s onward march to Delhi. Now, till only a few days ago, Chidambara­m had denied that he had signed either of the two affidavits. More significan­tly, he claimed that he had deleted reference to Ishrat Jahan being a LeT operative because there was no credible basis to it. However the release of the relevant papers under the RTI exposes him as a Liar, with capital L.

When seemingly well-educated politician­s resort to plain lies the anger, nay, disgust ought to be greater because they think that the people are fools and can be easily duped into believing whatever they say with an air of superiorit­y and in slow dictation speed but in a clipped English accent. As one of the more venal politician­s among the educated lot, Chidambara­m deserves neither the benefit of doubt in the Ishrat Jahan case nor any mercy. He must be hauled up before the relevant investigat­ing authority and made to answer all there is to know about the case. And while still on Chidambara­m, the Enforcemen­t Directorat­e is investigat­ing the money-making rackets of his son, Karti. It is hoped that there shall be no attempt to detail the probe. Remarkably Chidambara­m has always been at the Centre of a controvers­y right from the time he first became a junior minister in the Congress Government. He wanted to clamp down on the free media, sponsoring a draconian legislatio­n for the purpose. Were it not for a united media, freedom of the press would have been in jeopardy. Chidambara­m’s stint in Commerce was marred by allegation­s of questionab­le dealings with a mutual fund. As Home Minister he played foul with an elected chief minister in order to please his political bosses. As Finance Minister aside from indulging in creative accounting in the budget, he talked of clamping down on the flow of funds through the Participat­ory Notes and then did nothing, giving opportunit­y to some well-connected people to make shovelfuls of money playing the share markets. Even some of the key appointmen­ts in the banking sector were suspect, with the hand of Karti widely suspected in a number of them. Yet, the Harvard-educated Chidambara­m, out of power, has the gumption to dispense homilies week after week, lamenting how he wanted to repeal the controvers­ial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, how he was against this and that egregious act of the UPA Government, all the time pretending as if he was not a key part of the Sonia Gandhi-controlled Government. As they say, you cannot fool all the people all the time. Chidambara­m the politician stands thoroughly exposed.

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