The Free Press Journal

Spiritual Reawakenin­g

- By Rajyogi Brahmakuma­r Nikunj ji —

NOWADAYS it has become so common for police in big cities to find unclaimed bodies in drains, at railway tracks or at lonely spots across the citiy that the very thought of a helpless person being killed in a lonely spot, without any hope of rescue and without anyone to even see the crime being committed can make one shudder. But! no such reaction comes from common public because when we are feeded daily with such horrific murder stories, we become insuscepti­ble towards them. That is why someone has remarked that man is the cheapest commodity today. Sadly, the truth of this statement is apparent everywhere today. However such killings are just the tip of the iceberg. To get an idea of the inhumanity to which man has descended one needs to look at the dance of death taking place across the world especially in border areas of various countries. Recent cases of brutality in Syria & Iraq where more then 2,50,000 innocent civilians were killed is a classic example of man’s barbarity over his fellow brothers & sisters.

The scale and brutal nature of all this violence is a sign of total eclipse of human soul by vices which have shut out the spiritual light that emanates from Almighty Supreme and which kindles the spark of humanity within souls, producing compassion, love and peace. In the moral darkness that descends on spirituall­y eclipsed souls, these qualities wither and die out, resulting in the atrocities that we see in the world. The only way we can stop and reverse this gradual slide of mankind into barbarity is by bringing about spiritual reawakenin­g. For, only when all the souls in the world are rid of the vices, will violence cease for good. But to make this happen, man must realise his true identity as a soul and his relationsh­ip with the Supreme. It is this realisatio­n that would bring us peace of mind & sense of security.

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