The Free Press Journal



In today’s world, travelling across time zones is inevitable and so in the jetlag due to that. Here are some tips to prevent a jetlag or recover from it, says ANI.

First, re-set your body clock. Four or five days before you have to travel, shift your sleep and wake-up schedule by one hour each day. This gradual shift will prepare your body to re-ad to the new time zone.

Second, make an overnight flight. It’s not always possible, but if you have the option, take an overnight flight so that you can sleep well on the flight and not feel sleep-deprived when you land. If you have a very long flight, across several time zones, choose one that allows early evening arrival, so that you can sleep within a few hours of reaching.

Third, drink plenty of water. Pressurize­d airplanes make you dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the journey helps.

Fourth, don’t drink tea or coffee. Before, as well as during the flight, avoid drinking tea or coffee. Both tea and coffee act as stimulants and keep you wake so you are not wellrested in the flight.

Fifth, Avoid alcohol. Travelling at high altitude affects blood circulatio­n and can exaggerate the effects of alcohol. Sixth, stay active, step outdoor. Unless you reach your destinatio­n in the middle of the night, stay active until bedtime. If it’s day time when you reach, spend some time outdoors.

Seventh, sleeping pills should be the last resort. If you are severely jetlagged you could consider taking a sleeping pill if you have used it before.

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