The Free Press Journal

Terrorists involved in Uri attack had 2 maps


Two maps depicting the general topography of Uri were recovered from the four terrorists who stormed into an Army camp here even as the army intensifie­d efforts to identify the exact stretch along the Line of Control (LoC) from where they entered India.

Official sources said on Friday that besides arms and ammunition, two maps showing general area of Uri were recovered from the four slain terrorists, who are now believed to be from Pakistanba­sed Lashker-e-Taiba(LeT).

The maps showed various places of Uri including the Brigade Headquarte­rs and other installati­ons of this town, about 75 km North of Srinagar. The place is strategica­lly important in view of the power project operated by National Hydel Power Corporatio­n-(NHPC).

The maps would now form a part of investigat­ions which is being handled by the National Investigat­ing Agency (NIA).

In the meantime, Army has contacted heads of 12 villages located above the Brigade headquarte­rs to ascertain whether they could throw some light about the infiltrati­on, the sources said, adding this was a part of domination drill being conducted by the army off and on along the LoC.

The army was conducting search operations in various villages along the LoC to find out whether the four terrorists, who carried out the audacious attack at the camp on September 18, had left telltale signs. There were reports that that Army had intensifie­d searches in Charunda and Gollahan villages to ascertain whether the terrorists had taken shelter before reaching the army camp at Uri. Both the villages have a combined household of 603 and a population of less than 4,000.

The NIA team would prepare a dossier and may make a formal request to Pakistan once the identity of the four was ascertaine­d.-PTI

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