The Free Press Journal

Man suffering from painful infection gets instant relief


After two years, 35-year-old Riyaaz Ali (name changed), who was suffering from herpes virus has been relieved of his infection. The infection was preventing him from doing his day-to-day activities including wearing clothes or taking bath. Dr Prasanna Patankar, neurosurge­on, SRV Hospital, Goregaon (west) chemically damaged a particular nerve that led to instant relief to Ali within an hour due to which he was normal and was able to do regular activities.

Dr Prasanna Patankar, said, “Since last two years Ali was infected with herpes zoster virus which was causing him unbearable pain in his chest wall. This was caused because his nerve sensation was increased abnormally (hyperanaes­thesia) which led to terrible pain on his chest even at the slightest touch. He had several other problems due to which he could not go to work and sometimes he could not even breathe properly.”

“Ali had taken various treatments including Ayurvedic and Homeopathi­c medicines but nothing had worked for him. When he approached us we studied his case and decided to give him neurologic­al treatment so that he should recover immediatel­y,” added Dr. Patankar.

According to Dr Patankar, infection with Herpes virus is increasing dayby-day in India. This infection is commonly seen in patients with less immunity state like HIV infection and herpes virus can be transmitte­d sexually and leads to blister on skin along the nerve paths.

“After studying Ali’s case, we did not have any option besides damaging his particular nerve causing herpes virus. Through this simple day-care procedure, the recovery takes place within few hours, if no relief is seen immediatel­y it means that the selection of the nerve is not correct. After treatment he is now able to do his day-to-day activities without any problems,” added Dr. Patankar.

“I was struggling all these years to find the right medication, the pain and itchiness was unbearable. None of the medication­s seemed to work, but one injection helped me recover instantly and helped me do my regular work,” said Ali.

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