The Free Press Journal

Decks cleared for powerboat race as civic body grants permission


After locking horns with the civic body over the internatio­nal Grand Prix powerboat racing, the organisers on Thursday successful­ly obtained all the requisite permission­s for the event. The event is set to take place from Friday till Sunday.

The organisers Procam Internatio­nal had to run from pillar to post to get all the clearances and this also included their ‘last minute’ applicatio­n before the Bombay High Court on Thursday.

The organisers had approached a division bench presided over by Justice Shantanu Kemkar and Justice Prakash Naik.

In their applicatio­n, the organisers had stated that the civic body and the high-power committee have refused to grant them permission. According to the organisers, the authoritie­s refused to grant them permission owing to their ‘pending dues’ of an event which they organised in January 2017.

Senior counsel Vineet Naik appearing on behalf of the organisers, informed the bench that the authoritie­s are mixing up two separate events.

He told the bench that the authoritie­s must not link two events as another bench of HC has already reserved its orders over the previous event’s issue.

Naik said, “Till that matter is not decided, the authoritie­s cannot take any coercive steps for recovery of the pending dues.”

On the other hand, senior counsel Anil Sakhre appearing for the civic body and high-power committee, stated that his clients would not reject the powerboat racing event’s applicatio­n on the ground of pending dues.

Taking the statement on record, Justice Kemkar disposed of the applicatio­n of the organisers. Justice Kemkar also directed the authoritie­s to grant permission on merits and without getting influenced by the previous event’s issue.

Pursuant to the directions of the HC, Kiran Digavkar, the Assistant Municipal Commission­er (A ward) granted permission to the organisers to go ahead with the event, late in the evening.

 ?? PTI ?? Boats practising at Marine Drive on Thursday ahead of Powerboat racing scheduled between March 3 and 5.
PTI Boats practising at Marine Drive on Thursday ahead of Powerboat racing scheduled between March 3 and 5.

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