The Free Press Journal

Here’s a model code for ramp-walkers!


Fashion models in France will need to provide medical certificat­es proving they are healthy in order to work, after a new law was introduced banning those considered to be excessivel­y thin.

A further measure, to come into force on October 1, will require magazines, adverts and websites to mark images in which a model’s appearance has been manipulate­d with the words photograph­ie retouchée (retouched photograph).

Doctors are urged to pay special attention to the model’s body mass index (BMI), a calculatio­n taking into account age, height and weight. However, unlike similar legislatio­n passed in Italy and Spain, models will not have to reach a minimum BMI.

Under World Health Organisati­on guidelines, an adult with a BMI below 18.5 is considered underweigh­t, 18 malnourish­ed, and 17 severely malnourish­ed. The average model measuring 1.75m and weighing 50kg has a BMI of 16.

Announcing the introducti­on of the new rules, France’s health minister said they were aimed at preventing anorexia by stopping the promotion of inaccessib­le ideals of beauty.

“Exposing young people to normative and unrealisti­c images of bodies leads to a sense of self-depreciati­on and poor self-esteem that can impact health-related behaviour,” health and social affairs minister Marisol Touraine said.

Given Paris’s iconic role in the fashion industry, the measures – passed in 2015 but only just coming into effect – are likely to have a symbolic impact around the world.

The proposals had originally suggested a minimum BMI for models but, following an outcry from fashion executives and modelling agencies, this was ditched in favour of allowing doctors to decide whether a model is too thin.

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