The Free Press Journal

Gravitatio­nal wave detected for 3rd time


In yet another historic moment, an internatio­nal research team, including scientists from India, on Thursday announced the third detection of gravitatio­nal waves -ripples in the fabric of space and time which were first predicted by Albert Einstein more than a century ago.

The Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-wave Observator­y (LIGO) in the US made the detection on January 4 this year, demonstrat­ing that a new window in astronomy has been firmly opened.

Gravitatio­nal waves pass through Earth and can be "heard" by the extremely sensitive LIGO detectors.

As was the case with the first two detections, the waves were generated when two black holes merged to form a larger black hole.

"Our handful of detections so far is revealing an intriguing black hole population we did not know existed until now," said Northweste­rn University's Vicky Kalogera, a senior astrophysi­cist with the LIGO Scientific Collaborat­ion (LSC).

The new detection, called GW170104, occurred during the ongoing second observing run of the Advanced LIGO detectors which began on November 30 last year.

The first direct observatio­n of gravitatio­nal waves was made in September 2015 during the first observing run.

A second detection was made in December 2015.

The third detection is described in a new paper accepted for publicatio­n in the journal Physical Review Letters.

The publicatio­n has 40 authors from 11 Indian institutio­ns.

IIT-Madras recently joined the LSC as one of the participat­ing institutes, under the leadership of Dr Chandra Kant Mishra.

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