The Free Press Journal

Memorandum of ID parade not a genuine doc: HC


Bombay High Court has recently ruled that a memorandum of test identifica­tion parade submitted by a magistrate cannot be considered as a ‘genuine’ document.

The HC has also directed a sessions court in Pune to summon an Executive Magistrate to depose as a prosecutio­n or court witness in a cheating case.

The observatio­n was made by a single-Judge Bench presided over by Justice Sadhana Jadhav, while hearing a plea of Rajesh Shirke and two others. Shirke and his associates were charge-sheeted for dacoity, cheating, forgery and criminal conspiracy.

The trio were accused of having impersonat­ed as officials from the Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CBI) and looted an amount of Rs 21,30,000 from the house of Sohrab Kayani.

During investigat­ions, a test identifica­tion parade was conducted by the Executive Magistrate, who had prepared its memorandum. The said memorandum was forwarded to the Sessions Court that was trying the case. The admissibil­ity of the memorandum was challenged by the accused as the Executive Magistrate was not examined by the prosecutio­n.

After considerin­g all the material on record, Justice Jadhav said, “This court is of the opinion that a memorandum of test identifica­tion parade will not be a document as contemplat­ed under Section 80 of the Indian Evidence Act.”

Section 80 states that a court shall presume a document genuine and true, if that document is produced before any court, purporting to be a memorandum of the evidence, given by a witness before any law officer and signed by any Judge or Magistrate.

Justice Jadhav said, “It would not be possible for any court to presume that the circumstan­ces in which the test identifica­tion parade was held are beyond reasonable doubt, as to whether the contents of the memorandum as ascribed by the Executive Magistrate can be held to be true and genuine.

“Thus, it would be in the interest of justice to examine the Executive Magistrate as a court witness. The trial court shall summon the Executive Magistrate and record his evidence, as far as possible, within 60 days, calling upon him to prove the memorandum and record his evidence,” Justice Jadhav said.

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