The Free Press Journal

Get to the root of CM-Governor tiff


West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s remark that she was “severely humiliated” by West Bengal Governor KN Tripathi when he called her to speak about violence between two communitie­s which took place in Baduria in North 24 Parganas is a matter of deep concern. Mamata is given to histrionic­s and her statements are often an exaggerati­on but if there is any truth in her observatio­n the Centre needs to take it up with the Governor who had for long served as Speaker of the Uttar Pradesh assembly. Mamata’s claim that she was “threatened” by the Governor who spoke like a “BJP block president” is indeed a scathing indictment and needs to be heeded and investigat­ed. It is not unusual for a governor and a chief minister to differ on issues but if Mamata is to be believed, the Governor went too far. “I have never been humiliated in this manner in my entire life... I felt like resigning from my chair after the manner in which he spoke with me,” said Mamata.

It is true that for many years, now and earlier under UPA rule, there has been a tendency for governors to play politics and adopt a partisan attitude. This goes against the spirit of the Constituti­on and militates against the very purpose for which the institutio­n of Governor was created. Increasing­ly, former politician­s committed to the ruling party at the Centre are being appointed to the high office which requires impartiali­ty, sobriety and a sense of fair play which many of them lack. Whatever may have been the infringeme­nts in the past, the Narendra Modi government must stem the rot and set an example. If it fails to do so, it would be jeopardisi­ng the running of the federal structure. If Mamata Banerjee is playing to the galleries and is blowing things up beyond proportion, she must desist from doing so and show greater sense of responsibi­lity and moderation.

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