The Free Press Journal

Politics touches a new low in Gujarat


It is a shocking travesty of democracy that the Congress party has kept 44 Gujarat legislator­s in virtual captivity for days to prevent ‘poaching’ by the BJP to bolster its numbers for the Rajya Sabha election on August 8. That parts of Gujarat are under water and as their representa­tives it is the bounden duty of those legislator­s to visit their constituen­cies and help the people in relief and rehabilita­tion is of little concern to these elected representa­tives of the people or to their party. Early on Monday (August 7) these legislator­s were herded into buses in Bengaluru and whisked away to the airport from the resort where they were lodged as virtual prisoners, flown to Ahmedabad and herded into buses again there to be whisked away to another resort in Anand. Monday was the day of Rakshaband­han which Gujaratis celebrate with gusto but not one of these legislator­s was allowed to go home to be with the families after they landed at 5 am at the internatio­nal airport. It is a moot question as to how these people can be relied upon to protect and serve their constituen­cies when they cannot even put their foot down and ensure their own freedom of movement from their own party.

That six Congress legislator­s had quit the party before the MLAs were moved to Bengaluru was indeed a signal that the rest of them could not be trusted not to switch sides if they were left to their ways in Gujarat. So strong is the lack of trust of the party in them that though there was just a day left for the voting for the Rajya Sabha the legislator­s are not being allowed to meet with potential BJP leaders who may try to lure them away. The Congress party is defending its action of moving them to resorts first in Bengaluru and now in Anand near Ahmedabad by saying that this is nothing new. Even in the past such tactics have been resorted to. But in the process, not only is it a grave mockery of democracy but it also amounts to taking the people for a ride. Whoever wins the Rajya Sabha high-stakes battle on Tuesday–Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s closest aide Ahmed Patel is a candidate–the murky goings-on have tarnished the image of Indian politics and politician­s irreparabl­y. Wheeling-dealing is all that counts in today’s brand of politics. That is precisely why people at large are losing faith in democracy per se. It would be foolhardy to absolve the BJP of blame too. Rumours that the six legislator­s who left the Congress were lured with monetary baits may or may not be true. But so low is the credibilit­y of public representa­tives that people tend to believe the worst.

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