The Free Press Journal

Guiding Light

Eternal Darkness

- Sadhguru, Isha Foundation

WHEN we talk about spirituali­ty, most people talk about spiritual light, divine light! Light always seems better. But in fact, there are more creatures on this planet who are active and alive during the night than there are during the day. If you are one of these creatures, light is glaring and blinds you during the day; it is only at night, when the light is down, that you can see clearly. Human vision is made suitable for light so we think light is good, but this is not so for the majority of creatures on this planet.

Light is a limited happening, in the sense that whatever light you are experienci­ng right now, from the light bulb for example, is a kind of burning – something is burning up. All light bulbs come with an expiry date – maybe a few hundred hours of burning capacity. Once that time is up, the bulb loses its ability to give out light. Even the greatest source of light that we know of – the Sun, is burning up at a tremendous pace. It may take a few billion years, but it will collapse and disappear. That may not be your personal concern, but if you think really long term for the future of the planet, it is a concern. Two or three billion years may look like an unimaginab­le volume of time to you, but if this solar system or this galaxy had a mind to think, I am sure it would not think a few billion years is too far; it would be very much within its life span.

So light is a brief happening in your mind. Light is not eternal; it is always a limited possibilit­y because it happens and it ends. Not only in terms of time and eternity, even in terms of scope, I can just stop light with my hand. Not just the light bulb, I can even stop the Sun’s light with just my hand and leave a shadow of darkness behind. So darkness is a much bigger possibilit­y than light. Nothing needs to burn, it is always; eternal. Darkness is everywhere; it is the only thing that is all pervading.

I am just using darkness and light as an example to show that as your understand­ing and experience of life deepens, the way you look at life transforms itself. The way you use life and what you make out of your life also transforms itself.

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