The Free Press Journal

Old people don’t feel safe on Facebook

Because they are more suspicious about their privacy, hence they deter using such social media platforms


When it comes to privacy on Facebook, older adults are more suspicious about who is viewing their posts and this may deter them from using the social networking platform, say researcher­s led by an Indian-origin professor.

In a study of older people’s perception of Facebook by the team from Pennsylvan­ia State University, participan­ts listed keeping in touch, monitoring other’s updates and sharing photos as main reasons for using Facebook. However, the elderly listed privacy as well as the triviality of some posts as reasons they stay away from the site.

“The biggest concern is privacy and it’s not about revealing too much, it’s that they assume that too many random people out there can get their hands on their informatio­n,” said S. Shyam Sundar, Professor, Media Effects Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvan­ia State University.

The researcher­s, who report their findings in a forthcomin­g issue of the journal Telematics and Informatic­s, said Facebook developers should focus on privacy settings to tap into the seniors market.

They also suggested that Facebook is helping to serve as a communicat­ions bridge between the generation­s and young people are prompting their older family members to join the social networking site.

“In particular, unlike younger people, most older adults were encouraged by younger family members to join Facebook so that they could communicat­e,” added Eun Hwa Jung, Assistant Professor of communicat­ions and new media, National University of Singapore. “This implies that older adults’ interactio­n via social networking sites can contribute to effective intergener­ational communicat­ion,” Jung added

“The biggest concern is privacy and it’s not about revealing too much, it’s that they assume that too many random people out there can get their hands on their informatio­n”


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