The Free Press Journal

Life Is A Journey Of Discovery — T.G.L. Iyer


ABRAHAM LINCOLN once said, “The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wished to hinder him.” There are numerous examples in history when people have been rejected and ultimately accepted. Abraham Lincoln is one example. Colonel Sanders and his “fried-chicken-recipe” were rejected several times until one day it became a culinary rage and the most popular dish in restaurant­s. Not one painting was sold when the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was alive, and they fetched millions of dollars and adorned Art museums and drawing rooms of art lovers after he passed away. Elvis Presley, who became an American legend, was told, “You are not going anywhere. Son, you can go back to driving a truck.” Fred Astaire, after a screen test in Hollywood (1929) was told “can’t act, can’t sing, balding, can dance a little.” Well, he became the greatest tap-dancer in Hollywood and teamed up with Bing Crosby in several movies.

A famous author once said, “Asking a writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about a dog” Art is subjective and everyone will not like it. It does not mean that they don’t like you. Many people take criticism of their works personally. It is hard to get used to the fact that for every work of Art there could be admirers and critics. The following books were rejected by publishers 1) The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Anne Frank 2) Valley of Dolls by Jacqueline Susan 3) Sanctuary by William Faulkner. Remember that all these books sold in millions and were made into Hollywood movies.

A positive attitude determines your altitude. You must believe in yourself and deserve to make it to the Top. A positive outlook makes it easier to get out of bed, reduce your weight or become an indispensa­ble person in office.

In fact, you can become anything in life if you develop will, determinat­ion and a positive attitude. Self-image determines what a person can or cannot do. The common thread among creative people is optimism, a belief that things are going to work out. Rather than worrying, they focus their energies on making things happen. Such people are surrounded by admirers. Like bugs to a light, they attract people and get the help they need.

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