The Free Press Journal

Prime Minister hails verdict as powerful measure for women


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday took to Twitter to laud the Supreme Court’s verdict on triple talaq as ‘historic’, adding that the judgement will further fuel the women empowermen­t drive. “Judgment of the Hon'ble SC on Triple Talaq is historic. It grants equality to Muslim women and is a powerful measure for women empowermen­t,” he tweeted.

Prime Minister Modi has voiced his opinion on the age-old practice time and again. Recently, while delivering his address to the nation on the 71st Independen­ce Day from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Prime Minister Modi expressed his admiration towards the courage of women who have been suffering due to Triple Talaq. Prior to that, in his radio program, ‘Mann Ki Baat’, aired on All India Radio, PM Modi extended full support to the women of the community.

The apex court earlier today struck down the Triple Talaq practice as 'unconstitu­tional' by a 3:2 majority. The five-judge constituti­on bench headed by Chief Justice of India (CJI) J.S. Khehar, deciding on the verdict, was seemingly split on the legality of the practice. Justice Nariman, Justice Lalit and Justice Kurien opposed the view of Justice Nazir and Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar and dubbed the practice of Triple Talaq as unconstitu­tional and unislamic. The Supreme Court further directed the Union Government to formulate a new legislatio­n within six months, in unison with all political parties. The apex court reportedly referred to the abolition of triple talaq in the Islamic countries and asked “why can't independen­t India get rid of it.” CJI Khehar, while pronouncin­g the judgement, however, upheld the practice and said, "Talaq-e-biddat is not violative of articles 14, 15, 21 and 25 of the Constituti­on." The CJI, further using his power under Article 142, directed the Union of India to form a proper legislatur­e regarding 'talaq-e-iddat.' The constituti­on bench had reserved its verdict on May 18 after a six-day marathon hearing.

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