The Free Press Journal

DMK urges Prez Kovind to order floor test in Tamil Nadu


A delegation of the MPs led by the DMK on Thursday urged President Ramnath Kovind to order an immediate floor test in the Tamil Nadu Assembly since the AIADMK government led by Eddapadi K Pananisami has lost the majority.

In its memorandum, the delegation pointed out that the Pananisami government came into a minority after 19 MLAs of TTV Dhinakaran group withdrew their support and so he has no right to continue in the saddle.

The delegation, which also included Anand Sharma of Congress, Sitaram Yechuri of CPI-M and CPI’s D Raja, told the President that the present government has the support of only 113 MLAs, including the Speaker, in the House of 234 and yet Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao is sitting tight on a letter written by the leader of Opposition in the Assembly to direct the CM to prove his majority in the House.

Its memorandum alleged that the Governor had failed in his constituti­onal duty to ascertain whether the chief minister was heading a majority government while administer­ing oath to the deputy CM on his advice. The delegation, therefore, urged the President to direct the Governor to order the floor test immediatel­y.

The DMK is desperate for an early floor test since its leaders fear the tables may turn against them on September 20 when the 2G verdict is slated to be pronounced.

Late J Jayalalith­aa won the last two Assembly polls as also swept 37 of the 39 Lok Sabha seats in 2014 by highlighti­ng the 2G scam involving the DMK and Congress leaders from the state.

The DMK leaders suspect that the Speaker may suspend and disqualify the 19 rebel MLAs of the Dhinakaran group, maybe in another one week, to reduce the strength of the House to 215 and then carry out the floor test to help the CM secure the majority since he would then require support of only 108 while he already has 113 with him. No surprise if the Speaker also disqualifi­es or suspends for the whole session 21 DMK MLAs who were given notice for bringing alleged foreign substance in the House, they said.

They said DMK leader M.K. Stalin, son of party supremo and former CM M. Karunanidh­i, will not form a government as the second largest party in the event of the AIADMK government’s fall and instead demand a mid-term Assembly poll as he would not like to stand on the crutches of AIADMK leader Dhinakaran who may ditch him any time.

The Dhinakaran group is expecting more MLAs coming over to its side in a tussle in the party’s general council meeting called on September 12 to expel Sasikala in jail in Bengaluru.

 ??  ?? Will he, won’t he? President Ramnath Kovind
Will he, won’t he? President Ramnath Kovind

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