The Free Press Journal

Guiding Light

Internal Peace


AS we journey through our lives, we are often beset by anger, frustratio­n, hurt and pain. When we feel these emotions, we begin to withdraw into our own minds and harden our hearts rather than truly experience our lives. In essence we begin to create an even greater sense of separation. This chasm of separation becomes ever wider as we begin to focus on the events that reinforce for us that life is a tragedy of suffering, that it is full of struggle and fear. We have literally stolen, from ourselves, the peace and comfort we so desperatel­y seek.

When the moment comes that we begin to awaken to the fact that we no longer have a sense of Joy, Peace and Play within our hearts, the temptation is to look outside ourselves for someone or something to fill the void. We don’t realize that all these will inevitably lead to more disappoint­ment and feelings of anger, frustratio­n and separation.

We are the thieves who have stolen the precious gifts of Love, Joy, Peace and Play from the antechambe­rs of our hearts and we are the only ones who can return them. It is at this point that we need to recall that the Peace of God is all we seek. For within this paradigm can we truly begin to heal the wounds of our heart.

It is through the recognitio­n of what our thoughts have created that we can begin to accept and forgive ourselves and our lives. Once we have begun this process we are able to break free of the illusion of separation and once more open our hearts to Love, Joy, Peace and Play. May we all so choose each moment of each day!

Affirmatio­n: The Peace of God is all I seek.

Prayer: Oh Beloved of Light I have forgotten to open my heart to your Love. I have fallen prey to the trials of life and the foibles of my ego. I have stolen my own Peace, Joy and Play. I ask now that your Presence once again comes into my Heart, that I may remember that Love is the essence of my being. I ask that my eyes be opened to the beauty of life once more. Oh Beloved, guide me to the places in which I may be of service to life.

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