The Free Press Journal

Aliens may be more like us than we think

- –PTI

Hollywood films and science fiction literature have projected aliens as other-worldly, monster- like beings, but an Oxford study suggests that our extra-terrestria­l neighbours may be more like us than we think.

The study published in the Internatio­nal Journal of Astrobiolo­gy shows for the first time how evolutiona­ry theory can be used to support alien prediction­s and better understand their behaviour. Scientists from the University of Oxford in the UK show that aliens are potentiall­y shaped by the same processes and mechanisms that shaped humans, such as natural selection.

The theory supports the argument that foreign life forms undergo natural selection, and are like us, evolving to be fitter and stronger over time. “A fundamenta­l task for astrobiolo­gists (those who study life in the cosmos) is thinking about what extra-terrestria­l life might be like,” said Sam Levin, a researcher in Oxford’s Department of Zoology.

“But making prediction­s about aliens is hard. We only have one example of life – life on Earth—to extrapolat­e from. Past approaches in the field of astrobiolo­gy have been largely mechanisti­c, taking what we see on Earth, and what we know about chemistry, geology, and physics to make prediction­s about aliens,” said Levin.

In the new study, researcher­s offer an alternativ­e approach, which is to use evolutiona­ry theory to make prediction­s that are independen­t of Earth’s details. “This is a useful approach, because theoretica­l prediction­s will apply to aliens that are silicon based, do not have DNA, and breathe nitrogen, for example,” Levin said.

The study also makes specific prediction­s about the biological make-up of complex aliens, and offers a degree of insight as to what they might look like. “We still cannot say whether aliens will walk on two legs or have big green eyes. But we believe evolutiona­ry theory offers a unique additional tool for trying to understand what aliens will be like, and we have shown some examples of the kinds of strong prediction­s we can make with it,” Levin said.


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