The Free Press Journal

Considerin­g designatin­g N Korea as terror sponsor, says White House


The US may designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism, the White House has said, ahead of President Donald Trump’s five-nation trip to Asia during which the issue of Pyongyang’s nuclear programme is expected to be discussed, reports PTI.

Tensions have dramatical­ly risen on the Korean peninsula after North Korea, early in September, conducted its biggest nuclear test, which its state-run KCNA news agency described as a hydrogen bomb.

Nuclear-armed North Korea in August fired a ballistic missile over Japan in a major escalation by Pyongyang amid tensions over its nuclear ambitions.

The US may designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism, said National Security Adviser H R McMaster.

“That is an option that’s under considerat­ion,” McMaster told reporters at a White House news conference when asked if designatin­g North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism is an option for the US.

“The president’s cabinet is looking at this as part of the overall strategy on North Korea,” he said.

McMaster lashed out at the North Korean regime for the “murder” of

Kim Jong-nam, the estranged brother of its dictator Kim Jong-Un.

Kim Jong-nam was allegedly killed by Kim Jong-Un in Malaysia.

“A regime who murders someone in a public airport using nerve agent, and a despotic leader who murders his brother in that manner, that’s clearly an act of terrorism that fits with a range of other actions. So this is something that’s under considerat­ion. And you’ll hear more about that soon, I think,” McMaster said ahead of Trump’s visit.

Trump will embark on a 12-day trip to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippine­s and Hawaii from today till November 14.

McMaster said there is a concerted effort to isolate North Korea economical­ly.

“We have seen countries across the Indo-Pacific region, but globally, doing more to expel these really, in effect, North Korea slave labourers who are a big source of income for the regime, to shut down a lot of illicit traffickin­g that was aimed to circumvent the UN sanctions; to shut down a lot of the money-making enterprise­s of this regime, often times run out of their embassies,” he said.

A regime that murders someone in a public airport using nerve agent, and a despotic leader who murders his brother in that manner, that’s clearly an act of terrorism that fits with a range of other actions.

–H R McMaster National Security Adviser

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