The Free Press Journal

Ministry to justify reasons for closure of schools: Tawde

EDUCATION minister responds to NHRC notice sent to schools in State that were shut down


The state education department has decided to provide a judicial reply to the notice sent by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) regarding closure of 1,300 gover nment schools of the state. Vinod Tawde, state education minister for school and higher education, stated the ministry will justify reasons for closure of these schools and purpose of inclusive education for shifting of students.

The ministry has decided to shut these 1,300 schools as there are less than 10 students studying in these schools. Also, students will be shifted along with teachers to nearby schools. Around 257 schools are already shifted while, 280 are in process and 755 schools have some queries and processes which will be completed soon.

Tawde ter med the notice sent by NHRC as a blessing in disguise. Tawde said, “The NHRC notice is a blessing in disguise as there will be no media trial henceforth. We will reply legally through a judicial trial. I will justify my decision and answer the issues raised by NHRC legally in spirit of the Right to Education (RTE) Act.”

The NHRC in its notice based on media reports stated shutting down of schools and shifting students would af fect students, quality of education and also increase distance from their home to the school.

But the ministry revealed this decision would lead to incorporat­ion of inclusive education.

Students ought to study in a social environmen­t along with other children. Tawde said, “There are four to five students in these schools where the environmen­t does not encourage serious education. The teachers often take it for granted as there are just a handful of students. We aim to shift these students along with the teachers so that the curriculum is not disturbed and the quality of education is improved through a holistic approach.”

Considerin­g the distance from home to schools, the ministry has analysed and maintained the distance within limits.

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