The Free Press Journal

Iran warns protestors as unrest worsens

The protests, which have entered the third day, began in Mashhad against high living costs and the struggling economy before spreading quickly to other areas & turning against the Islamic regime as a whole


Iran on Sunday warned that protesters will "pay the price" after a third night of unrest saw mass demonstrat­ions across the country in which two people were killed and dozens arrested.

As videos on social media showed thousands marching across the country, an official in the small western town of Dorud confirmed two people had been killed during protests, but denied security forces had fired on the crowd.

"A number of people took to the streets responding to calls from hostile groups," Lorestan province deputy governor Habibollah Khojastehp­our told state television.

"Unfortunat­ely in these clashes two citizens from Dorud were killed. No bullets were fired by the police, military or security forces towards the people," he said. Videos on social media overnight showed demonstrat­ions in Isfahan, Mashhad and many smaller cities but travel restrictio­ns and limited coverage by official media made it difficult to confirm reports.

Semi-official conservati­ve outlets confirmed an evening attack on a town hall in Tehran and showed protesters attacking banks and municipal buildings in other parts of the country.

"Those who damage public property, disrupt order and break the law must be responsibl­e for their behaviour and pay the price," Interior Minister Abdolrahma­n Rahmani Fazli said on state television early on Sunday. "The spreading of violence, fear and terror will definitely be confronted," he added. US President Donald Trump weighed in, saying "oppressive regimes cannot endure forever".

In one of the few official reports, an official in Arak, around 300 kilometres southwest of Tehran, said 80 people had been arrested overnight. "Some intended to enter and damage some government places but the attackers did not manage to achieve their goals... and the town is under control," the unidentifi­ed official told the ILNA news agency. Iranian authoritie­s said the majority of social media reports were emanating from regional rival Saudi Arabia and exile groups based in Europe.

President Hassan Rouhani, who came to power in 2013 promising to mend the economy and ease social tensions, has so far not made any statement since the unrest started in second city Mashhad on Thursday. The protests began in Mashhad against high living costs and the struggling economy before spreading quickly to other areas and turning against the Islamic regime as a whole. Slogans, such as "Death to the dictator" have been heard throughout the protests. There have been reminders of the regime's continued support among conservati­ve sections of society, with pro- regime students outnumberi­ng protesters at the University of Tehran on Saturday. told AFP.

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